Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I think teleport would be nice as a charged skill, make the distance you get teleported equal to the amount of charge and the level increases the max charge limit…

I think Teleport should just move you forward in the direction you’re facing the amount of units.

control isn’t exactly the problem as you can already do that by using the arrow keys and that doesn’t fix vertical teleportation…

Any upcoming changes to wugushi? This class is really need C3 rework=(

Hey guys !
Inven have their news post with the new visual effect, for highlanders Circle 3 Costume. ( Left without, Right with costume)

I did some searching on youtube too and managed to find a video clip of it in use. ( for better viewing experience) Please enjoy


Is there anything wrong with Jincan Gu? I have the impression that it is a strong skill.

Dont scale with lvl\stats 1-5 lvl the same, bugs dont follow player and eat healing circles. No class info about card system. Help button contain this: Need to write. Poison dmg dont scale with anything.

Have you found any videos for the skill changed by wizard c3 costume?

If there is any…

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I asked a Korean friend of mine who is a Wizard C3 and wears that TP costume. He said there’s no any special visual effect with this costume.

That’s not true… poison damage from Throw Gu Pot, Needle Blow, and Wugong Gu were made to scale with physical attack power… but Zhendu and Jican Gu still do not. You can still boost those skills with elemental attack power though. Jican Gu lasts almost a full minute, but only ticks every 2 seconds and has relatively low attack power of it’s own. Still, it can infect unlimited targets that step into the aoe, and the bugs can, if you’re higher level than the monster at least (since the bugs suffer from level penalty too), add some ok damage once mobs start dying. It’s a neat skill, but I wouldn’t go C3 for it. You’d go C3 for longer times on Wugong Gu and Needle Blow.

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with 350 str +5 viper they hit like 150-250. meh.

only initial damage scales, poison dot doesnt

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I think those are changes he was talking about. They should rather change Rodes animations then add those 50 damage.

Wugushi C3 is super good, why would it need a rework?

Poison from Needle blow and Wugong Gu definitely scales with patk, and it’s worth to get wugushi3 just for their longer duration.

Jincan Gu has nice base damage anyway, so it’s still worth those 5 points. Maybe scaling on it is broken, I’m not sure.

Guess i didnt post that talking about last week update? Which by no means makes this one more meaningful.

Yeah, switch to keyboard control everytime you want to Teleport, or gimp yourself by not playing with mouse as default for Wizard. Great.

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I have no mouse and am using keyboard as wizard…

I have no complains other than the aiming of ice spikes…

and moving your hand to an arrow key to teleport won’t take you more than a sec if you are using mouse…

or here is a better option, map the movement keys to something close…

PD: I will check if clicking a direction before teleporting does the same as clicking a direction (arrow key)…

Takes longer to select the right target since you need to keep tabbing.

Takes longer to select the right area for grounded spells such as Sleep, Swap and Hail.

Reduces the possible AoE angles from some skills like Ice Spike. Using keyboard control you only get 8 angles to cast it (→↑↓← and diagonals), with mouse control the skill will follow the cursor path perfectly while doing its damage, even if visually it doesn’t.
The visual effect is coded to only follow the 8 normal angles, but enemies get damaged regardless (like in a 30º angle path, while visually it would go 0º or 45º).

Arrow keys are deactivated during Mouse Control. We cant move our character with WASD, but it doesn’t “force” Teleporte path.

Didn’t test it since maping keys is a new feature, but doubt it will work since WASD doesn’t already.

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