Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

nice ty Have skill effect change ?

Give the guys at INVEN a wee bit to get that.
It may not even be implemented right away like the Archer and Priest ones.

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Thanks for your patience guys, all the costumes / shop angle previews have been added to the original post. :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity, anyone know where the Power Staff drops?
I can tell the recipe is from a cube because thatā€™s how this game works, but anyone know which one?
I need this information for reasons.

so how the hell they came up with that cockrice costume lollll

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if only it wasnt a bird but rather a cat or a fox , i might buy it :cry:


Apparently claims it drops from a Demon Lord Marnox Cube, heā€™s a Lv 280 field boss. I tried looking for other sources, but most were people testing the effects of the staff or 404 pages. ( A very difficult to obtain item, it seems )

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Just get this wizard circle3 lol.

Letā€™s give hunter costume to wizards, confuzing your enemies to death.

Cleave still increases Critical Rate with ā€œAggressorā€ buff?

Imma put the tabs on the guild then.

I donā€™t know what to think about the cockatrice costumeā€¦ I mean I love itā€¦ butā€¦ shouldnā€™t there be different versions/colors for different basic classes?

Now you can hide your class anyway so they could just let us wear whatever we wantā€¦ It kinda kills the restrictions we had anyway doesnā€™t it?

well itā€™s fine as you can detect their class by their weapons and by clicking the char info

Wellā€¦ weapon is somewhat true but it isnā€™t that clear always ā€¦and about the checking of char infoā€¦ I still donā€™t know who does that in arenas or gvgs. Maybe in little duels or if there is rly some time to do itā€¦but that is not a reliable option either imo.

But whatever Iā€™m not starting a riot because of this or something XDā€¦ Iā€™m just not sure if it was a right move after they restricted other costumes.

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So many skills needing QoL buffs (and others, nerfs)ā€¦ meanwhile IMC thinks it is better to just give 50 base damage to some skills and call it a day.


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