Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

@jinfin has some youtube videos of a siege i believe too, the fps was very bad on it because of all the players

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Many thanks I’d be interested in seeing that video and also seeing the magnitude of the FPS drops that Korean players experience… I’m thinking maybe their FPS drops are not nearly as bad, or they need more players in an area to have a similar drop in FPS (i.e. FPS drop is dependent on number of nearby players. iToS players can handle fewer nearby players before having bad FPS drops, kToS player can handle relatively more nearby players before having bad FPS drops.)

Here you go, friend.

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Many thanks!

EDIT: And oh god that is some horrible horrible drops in FPS >_<


It’s interesting to note that in the first pvp battle there were ~13-16 players on screen and the FPS was ~6-7

In the second pvp battle @ ~5:10 there are 5 players on screen and the FPS is ~13-15

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Servers aren’t due to come up for another 20 minutes
The latest post was just an apology about a problem with a bug they said they were going to fix, but fixing it has been postponed due to x reason.

The patch notes are out. Buff for Barbarian, Bokor, Dievdirbys, Saddu, Monk, Kabbalist. (alright it seems I have to wait another one or two weeks for the balancing for Archers (Falconers), if there’s going to be any :cry:)

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14/04/2016 Class Balance Changes -

  1. Barbarian
  • Cleave now gives a 5 seconds ‘cleave’ debuff on its target.
  • Cleave Debuff Info: Target Recieves 50% more damage from [Slash] type attacks.
  1. Bokor
  • Damage has been increased. (Base Damage 170 → 185)
    Bwa Kayiman
  • Damage has been increased. (Base Damage 105.3 → 130.3, Damage Increase per level 33 → 36)
  • Damage has been increased. . (Base Damage 485 → 505, Damage Increase per level 120 → 130)
  1. Dievdirby
    Statue Goddess Laima
  • Cooldown has been reduced… (52s → 47s)


  • Damage has been increased. (Base Damage 72.3 → 78.3, Damage Increase per level 26.6 → 27.6)
  1. Sadhu
    Astral Body Explosion
  • Damage Has been increased. (Base Damage 300 → 360, Damage Increase per level 70 → 85)
  1. Monk
    Double Punch
  • Damage has been increased. (Base Damage 215.5 → 235.5, Damage Increase per level 32 → 35)
    Palm strike
  • Damage has been increased… (Base Damage 521 → 570, Damage Increase per level 98 → 102)
    Hand Knife
  • Damage has been increased. (Base Damage 462 → 500, Damage Increase per level 95.6 → 100.6)
    1 Inch Punch
  • Damage has been increased. (Base Damage 717 → 750, Damage Increase per level 152 → 160)
    Energy Blast
  • Damage has been increased. (Base Damage 380 → 435, Damage Increase per level 85 → 92)
  1. Kabbalist
    -Skill Damage Increased (Base Damage 697.32 → 765, Damage Increase per level 142.39 → 175.39)

edit: forgot to change line.8


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This is the new TP costume for ALL class…



Here’s the New Costumes for Todays patch, 14/04/2016

Wizard Circle 3 Costumes:
Price: 129 TP
Pre-Requisites: Wizard - Circle 3

Highlander Circle 3 Costumes:
Price: 129 TP
Pre-Requisites: Highlander - Circle 3

Cockatrice Costume & Cockatrice Hairstyle

  • Hair Price: 198TP
  • Costume Price: 129TP

Pre-Requisites: Any Class can wear


liar, that’s the barbarian costume !

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thanks, i was imagining things!
barb and highlander are the same to me…
I don’t deserve to be up at these hours for such mistakes.

I still have difficulty with sorcerers summon servant and salamion. >_<


Nope, I am sure this is the costume for the new Archer hidden class : Zoo Keeper.

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Honestly, with how goddamn common Highbarbs are/where I doubt we can even blame you.

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Oh my- this is so cute. These stockings seem a little off though.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

And eventually a new Rank which means at least 8 more classes and 8 more C3s.

The fashion ride never ends.