Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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I dunno why IMC wants to restrict the amount of people who can give them money (by restricting costumes to C3 of a class). But hey, if IMC wants to make it so that people want to give them money (people who want those costumes) but can’t (because they’re not C3), that’s IMC’s prerogative I suppose.

Doesn’t sound like a very sound business decision to me, though. Cause like, businesses are supposed to make money.

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[quote=“fitzfeliz, post:6805, topic:125464, full:true”]
the income will still come as there are people who are willing to make class choices based on costume alone (im looking at you fencers).[/quote]

I love TOS, I followed it and support it since 2013, but I can’t stand these “Screw you, if you don’t like the game, just quit” argument

IMCgames made so many wrong decisions since Korea CBT 1 and they keep fixing them.

Right now, there are a lot of players who willing to pay money, support them through costume, make the game less P2W, and they still reject it.

[quote=“fitzfeliz, post:6805, topic:125464, full:true”]
if people are willing to get the costume no matter what they will, if you cant get it then go on with your life.[/quote]

I willing to pay for that wizard costume but I can’t put a wizard C3 to my summoner build. I want to buy my class costume but I can’t wait for my high rank classes to reach C3. I can’t punish my gameplay experience just for a costume, but I hate it when I look at cash shop, there aren’t any costume left that I would love to buy.

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i think C2 for costume and C3 for visual effects better…

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ofc not, I will save my money to buy all the costume I liked, because I would love to wear them all.

I can even play for months without token just to buy my favorite costume. That is my prioritize.

I careless about the visual, it’s just icing on the cake, I’m fine without them but I can plan my build to get them later if possible.

It would be shame if they make my C3 class don’t look as good as I expected. I personally don’t like sorcerer and Necromancer naughty style from their class costume.

Hate me if you want but I hope someday IMCgames will regret about this.

Well i think because those 2 costumes doesn’t look cute so no one complained about it :smile:.
So happy for being a wiz 3~.

Lots of people asked for c3 costumes. Also for those players there are other costumes without restrictions.

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This is a BIG HUNTER buff :flushed::astonished:

Bought it in the first day. Quickly got bored since everyone and their mother wear it.

meh…I will leave this thread in peace.

I agree, they should add more custom costumes instead and keep master costumes as master costumes for those who focus on one given class. Like if you use somethink of rank3, it’s probably a core of your build.

Nobody should complain about being wiz 2 and not getting visual effects, since wiz 2 is very bad, and if you’re not going wiz 3, then enjoy ur chronomancer / sorcerer / pyro costume =P

Any news on murmillo class for swordies that appeared in the very first trailer? Or was it scrapped. :anguished:

Nothing yet.

Working AI is the buff most are concerned about.

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Question kToS playing folks! When you guys enter a crowded town or get near world bosses/GvG fights, do you suffer a reduction in FPS?

Are there any kToS players physically located in Korea who have done the same? Do they also suffer much of an FPS reduction?