Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

If they fix at least one of thousands Hunter’s bugs i’ll be really happy.

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I remember seeing the data-mined wizard costumes last week, i wonder what the other ones look like!

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The wizard is just equipment images for now, (sorry)

  • eagerly anticipating the all costume !!

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Do I need to have Wizard C3 to wear this pretty costume??? I want it so bad!!!

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scream im glad that i played wizard c3 ( if required ) :joy_cat:

Are you sure about circle 1 wizard can’t wear it?

Is there any cleric,archer with C3 costume can confirm this???

I have that priest costume, can confirm the archer & priest ones are circle 3 restricted and are pre-requisites to purchase / wear. If the costume is named ‘wizard circle 3 costume’ it’ll have the restriction i’m afraid! (still waiting the circle 3 vfx to come to itos)

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I’m wonder what Wugushi C3 costume will look like :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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am almost 100% sure the Sorcerer costume will be made of ropes and censor bars :yum:


I’m not fan of these restriction. @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan

I hope IMCgames change their mind and allow circle 1 class to wear these costumes but only circle 3 get visual effect changes. Circle 3 restriction is way too much, they won’t earn much money. Allow circle 1 class to wear these C3 costume won’t hurt our gameplay at all, it’s a win-win for both sides.

Skin, costume, visual effect could help game developers earn quiet a lot, look at league of legends and path of exile.


Damn I was hoping they’d give me an undershirt for C3.

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I still remember. :no_mouth:


What about high rank classes?
What about players who reach circle 3 but don’t care or don’t have money to buy them?
What about builds that only pick circle 2?
What about players who love to wears them and willing to pay money?
What about income?

Right now I building a summoner build which follow:

Wiz 1 > Pyro 1 > Linker 1> linker 2 > Sorc 1 > Necro 1 > Necro 2 > Rank 8 (need Sor C2 to control summon) > rank 9 (possible linker 3)

=> So that mean I have to fking grind to over 300 levels to wear my linker C3? I want to pick chronomancer so bad but if I give up linker C3 I won’t be able to wear my pretty costume.

If they can’t allow C1 players wear it, at least allow C2 to wear it and give C3 visual effects.

Look like I already lost my chance to buy this wizard C3 costume. I’m so depressed

Please take a look to cash shop. There are already too few skins and costumes to buy. Our cash shop filled with boring items that affect gameplay experience.

You can already make all of these (though it is crit attack, not rate), they just aren’t financially viable atm :slight_smile: I imagine it will be the +5% type damage pots that were datamined.