Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

  1. Barbarian
    War Cry
  • Some Currnet Problem where you can remove the de-buff by right clicking it.
  • War Cry’s Cooldown has been decreased.
  • Cleave’s Cooldown has been decreased.
  • Cleave’s Overheat has been changed to 3 charges.
    Helm Chopper
  • Helm Chopper’s Cooldown has been decreased, the stun chance has also been increased.
  • Seism’s Cooldown has been decreased, the stun chance has also been increased.
  • Frenzy’s Cooldown has been decreased.
  1. Rodelero
    Shooting Star
  • Shooting Star’s Cooldown has been decreased.
  • Damage of Shooting Star has been increased, the skill now is a Strike Property Attack.
    Shield Shoving
  • Shield Shoving’s Damage has been be increased.
    Shield Bash
  • Shield Bash’s Damage has been increased.
    Targe Smash
  • The cooldown of Targe Smash has been decreased, The Darkness Debuff chance has been increased.
  • Montano’s Cooldown has been decreased.
  • Slithering’s Cooldown has been decreased.
    High Kick
  • High Kick’s Cooldown has been decreased.
  1. Cataphract
    Steed Charge
  • Steed Charge’s Skill damage has been increased.
  1. Corsair
    Dust Devil
  • Dust Devil’s Overheat will be changed to 3.


Slithering High Kick Shooting Star. THIS GUNNA BE GUD.

When are we going to buff Linker? It’d be nice if Hangman’s Knot wasn’t trash and maybe had an attribute or something to make it better. 4 seconds for a fully invested skill is a bit weak, considering Linker does no damage and is meant to be support.

doddler, does multiplier stay the same for cannon/musk skill set?

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Welp, that gif died fast. Nontheless,

T’was pulled down (from inven) 5 mins after posting aparently. :frowning: Wish i saved it to my PC. I thought it was funny, haha.


The Cleric Costumes have arrived:
( Icons for now, i’ll stalk about inven until they post some models, + the hair dye. - i’m a poor player )

Fedimian Accessory Merchant Costume - Clerics (F) :

Fedimian Item Merchant Costume - Clerics (M):

Pilgrim Costume - Archers (F):

Pilgrim Costume - Archers (M)

Like the previously released Silver Costumes, they last 7 days and have the same pricing. Edit: (498,000 Silver) - They are also not available from the TP Store.


Was that meant to be an actual image?

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Edited original post, The source file was removed from where it was being hosted. :frowning:

Edit: It’s back, lol - I’ll post it in another thread. :slight_smile:

Heard something about a bug with musketeers and cannoneers? What’s that all about?

It’s not intended, they pulled the servers down again very swiftly a while ago to correct this.
( You can see the in-game announcement in the video you posted)

Oh, was the damage too high or something?

Plot twisted twist: They ninja buff the musk.

I don’t see anything about musk on changelog. :scream:

Yes, take a look at @Doddler 's latest post for reference, you can see the values change to be almost 5-7x higher. ( On Covering Fire at least)

Hangman’s Knot requires too much investment to be solid. It was overnerfed and JP didn’t need a CD increase.

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Unfortunately the announcement has specifically not mentioned the things they will be correcting in this emergency maintenance. It’s probably best to wait and see what number values change when the servers are available again., which should be within a minute or two from now.

EDIT: The announcement has been updated.

The problems where some skills damage has been abnormally increased has been corrected, this applied to the following skills:

  • Meteor
  • Rune of Destruction
  • Singijeon
  • Blistering Thrash
  • Cannon Shot
  • Shoot Down
  • Siege Burst
  • Cannon Blast
  • Covering Fire
  • HeadShot
  • Snipe
  • Penetration Shot
  • Astral Body Explosion

No buffs for falconer confirmed. :frowning:

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I never said Linker wasn’t OP, but JP didn’t need a nerf to its CD. It already lost the AoE ratio. If people are worried about Linker being too good in C1, then it should have some things either moved to C2 or turned into attributes.

Hangman’s Knot I agree was too good, but as it is now, you have to fully invest in the class and use a lot of SP to bind enemies, which is dependent on JP to begin with. Skill level * 0.2 is too much of a nerf for Hangman’s. Maybe Skill level * 0.4 would have been better.

EDIT: Also Falconeer’s circling is already OP. They don’t need buffs.
Also I was wrong about Hangman’s Knot. I thought about it and you are correct.

With this buff and Skyliner liner has CD barb now better than HL

Btw @Gwenyth you don’t update the pastebin anymore ?