Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

emm… what!!!

Get @ me.
Magnetic Force still < Earthquake.
I cry everytime.

Un nerf sadhu a little.

This is your wish list or real korean patch?

His TOS bingo chart.
Maybe he’ll get a full house, we’ll know soon enough.


Do you remember off the top of your head if kneeling shot still gives atk speed or if it was removed? This way i don’t have to check the pastebin if you remember :stuck_out_tongue:

Kneeling shot’s attackspeed hasn’t changed. Although, it could happen in 4hours time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s a list of skill changes made this week:


Are those all the changes?

Ppl said there would be Pyromancer buffs, and I was honestly expecting Stone Skin nerfs.


Im more curious about the meaning behind the Murmillo skills and those 3 Archer skills near the bottom.

They got removed from the game files, at least that’s what i think happened.

I am not convinced covering fire deserved that kind of damage increase, like, it doing the same damage than cannon shot per hit seems a tiny bit excessive.
Siege burst on the other hand still seems to be pretty mediocre.

There’s hope yet. It may have been stealth-changed to a pseudo-multihit like Blistering Trash or Ice Bolt, which split their total damage over all the seperate “hits”.

The total damage of the skill before patch was 430 + 430 + 430 + 430 + 430 = 2150 (with each hit calculated seperately and this greatly affected by things like elemental damage)

Whereas after patch it would calculate the 2674 damage at first, then split the result evenly over all the hits (greatly reducing the effectiveness of the aformentioned elemental damage)

Raw power wise it would be a buff, but taking everything into consideration it might even be a slight nerf (or just no change).

Of course, assuming this is what happened, I’m just speculating here, simply because 2150 before and 2674 after are very similar values and much more realistic…

When’s teh Archwer Secret Class.
Also oh god finally Rodelero buffs, small as all hell but it is SOMETHING.

Did they just made all % atk skills back to flat values?

%'s arent mentioned in those files, it only shows the raw base damage.

I doubt they removed the %s everywhere, because Stone Shot isnt mentioned for example, which is 150%.

Why Mijin no jutsu in this list
But have no change at all ?

Musketeer buff is insane.:scream:

My build is TREAMLING!! :scream:

Plot twist: it’s a nerf.

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