Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I still update it.

So what I think the problem is.

Is that they wanted to change damage calculation to (attack power * skill %) + skill attack
From the one we have which is: (attack power + skill attack) * skill %.

And they buffed the skill’s attack to compensate + clarify how much the skill is actually doing (before the X% attack)

Buuuuut, they forgot to actually change the damage formula…resulting in those skills getting even more damage (so Snipe is about 400% attack + 50k from the skill…)

That’s my theory anyway.

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Plot final twist: Nothing change, everybody goes home.

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So…how is the new dmg formula now ?
I guess this is a nerf to all skills with %multiplier dmg ?

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Noooooooo!! Why was the buff of Blistering Thrash unintentional and abnormal? Falconers do need a lot of help okay IMC?!

I am geting desperate. :tired_face: (decided to put my level 273 Falconer C2 aside.)

Yeah, sad that barrage can deal more damage than it. <_<

Oh, so do you mean it is acceptable that a DD-oriented class has one decent supportive skill and all other attacking skills have crap damages? Have you ever seen how tragic Blistering Thrash is? It is a rank 7 skill but its damage is so low that as if it belonged to rank 2 or 3. Not to mention the long 45 seconds CD, small range, and low AoE Attack Ratio (you can only attack 3 medium monsters at a time.) Hovering is just hmm-alright, and Pheasant is useless as well.

Go play a Falconer yourself before you judge whether this class needs buff or not. If you really think it is totally fine with it, then you are just ridiculous.

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More like ‘ridiculously good’. At least recognize how powerful circling is.

Falconer C2 DEFINITELY needs a buff. Falconer C1 doesn’t need any buffs.

it needs some fixes tho. Hovering targets traps and other structures more than it should which makes it quite useless against bosses and pheasant is such a bad skill overall , It needs some sort of cool attribute imo.

I’m not particularly sure HOW they managed to accidentally increase all those skills, but they appear to have been reverted as part of the maintenance.

Decent… right. Circling is amazing. If you want balance, be willing to accept nerfs. Circling is even better than Joint Penalty in its prime and Linker is a dedicated support class.

It is not better overall. It’s better in some situations only. Joint penalty+Hangman Knot is great for gathering monsters for small AoE attacks.

While Circling is better vs huge packs of mobs (like in ET).

Let’s look at a single circle of Linker versus a single circle of Falconeer.

Joint Penalty links 5 enemies together for shared damage, does not improve AoEs and has an attribute, when fully invested, gives Lightning, Poison and Earth 50% more damage.

Circling reduces the enemies defense ratio by 5 for 10 seconds. There is no limit. Meaning that whenever there are more than five enemies on screen, circling is better.

Not to mention, you’re comparing Joint Penalty and Hangman’s Knot together. That’s two different skills. Two different SP costs, two animations and two skills which need full investment (though you can argue that with Linker C1, you have enough points to almost max everything anyways). Falconeer is not a support class. Circling shouldn’t be better than Joint Penalty. If Falconeers want buffs, then Circling should be nerfed a bit.

You’re comparing rank 3 Utility to rank 6 utility.
Linker C3 is rank 5 Support class, which a far more accurate comparison and it gets 10 targets.
The colour of an icon means little.

Yes and I am also comparing a single circle of one class to another. The fact that Linker would have to take three circles to even be considered competitive with Falconeer’s Circling which is a circle 1 skill mind you, is crazy. That’s a three rank investment. You mean to say that a Linker should have to take Linker three times to be compared to Falcooner? Get real.

The colour most certainly matters. It summarizes your class’ role. The fact that circling is as good as it is, for how easy it is to get, is insane.

Its not crazy at all
They’re 3 circles apart.
You’re also taking the idea that Circling invalidates the entire Linker repertoire which is more then JP and hence why its a ‘support’ because the majority of its toolkit is focused on that archetype.
C3 Linker and Falconer are 1 circle apart, C3 Linker has multiple support skills, they’re better then Circling. This argument is a wash.

Hunter and Wugushi deal significant damage, but they’re green, they could just as easily be labeled DPS but they aren’t. Wugushi deals more damage then Archer 1 a “red” dps class. Same with Sorcerer and Necro, especially given Bokor as a summoner, but they aren’t.
The colour is a loose idea, if you’re stuck to it you’re just putting yourself in a box and being stubborn.

I am focusing on Circling. It’s one skill and one rank. It’s extremely overpowered. You are adding upwards to five more targets to skills which is multiplying damage across a group. When Joint Penalty does this, they are target restricted and require a much deeper investment to compare.

I’m not concerned with the entirety of the Linker’s toolkit because that’s not what this is about. It’s about Circling. It’s overpowered and requires a small investment. Falconer is not supposed to be a support class. They deal direct damage and are coloured red.

As for the colours, they are there to help players understand, at a glance, what that class’ role is. Wugushi and Hunter deal damage with poison and pets respectfully. Their damage is not focused on being direct. Yellow classes use items to some degree. Sorcerer is yellow because the card is an item which is used. Bokor has direct attacks to enemies so they are red.

I’m not even here to defend or rationalize colours. The point I want to express is, Linker is a support class. No one can argue that. They don’t have any direct attacks. Falconer is not. Circling should not be as good as it is. It is an over-centralizing skill which adds tons of DPS to a party for a small investment. It should be nerfed.