Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

did you checked the attribute itself on the master npc

What would you like me to check? Only the tooltip is changed, in order to clarify its effect. Nothing else.

just go to the master npc and see the attribute…

no biggie xD

Anyone knows the deal about critical chance changes in today patch? I dont really understand. Does it affect all critical chance or just the skills mentioned? Further clarification is appreciated.

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Still waiting for Archer secret class. No joke :sob:

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I guess Archer hidden class will be rank 8. Chaplain - rank 5, Rune Caster - rank 6, Shinobi - rank 7.

But there are barely any balancing recently…they already satisfied with current stage or something? :disappointed:

They are probably focusing on the international release.

And hopefully some big class reworks

  1. Calculation for the Critical chance has changed, The critical calculation is now in accordance with the following skills :
    Coursing ( Hunter )
    Critical Shot ( Ranger )
    Double Slash ( Swordsman )
    Moulinet ( Highlander )
    Multi-Shot ( Archer )
    Spiral Arrow ( Ranger )

This part is very interesting. When I was leveling my Full Str ranger , one thing I noticed , Critical Shot didnt seem 50% and Spiral Arrow would crit like 90% of the time. I’m curious to know what changed.

After some testing it seems like
critical chance + ((critical rate-critical resistance*42) / level)

OBS: It seems that now the second part of the formula can be negative (if you are using a skill with +critical chance, it will decrease the critical chance if your critical rate is lower than enemy critical resistance).

My test (lvl54, 19 critical rate)

Infrorocktor (19 critical rate - 4 critical resistance = 12%)

Critical shot 62%+12% = 74%

63 criticals
37 non criticals

63% critical chance

Ultanun (19 critica rate - 36 critical resistance = -13%)

Critical shot 62% - 13% = 49%

50 criticals
50 non criticals

50% critical chance

The Infrorocktor test started to fall off after 50 hits, but i did 6-7 consecutives critical hits on them and only 5 consecutives critical hits on Ultanun, so it seems a possible formula for it.

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Oh I see, so they are trying to increase the use of Dex for critical rate somehow ( as people were complainning dex for such is useless).

Translate 100 event plz

I just started a new char today and I just want to inform u guys that I alreaqdy found 3 new repeatable quests in Klapeida Region that are below level 30. Pretty cool!

Just the skills mentioned in the list are affected. Some of them have critical chances embedded into the skill directly or and attribute that increases it.

yes. ( also apologies for the mis-trans earlier, there was other silly mistakes such as i cannot spell DMG correctly in the right order, but quick changes have been applied. )

I think they are overworked still, with release in international and other regional locations. The only evidence i can really say is that prior to the Cross-server feature was implemented they mentioned that they may not be able to fully deliver the content that was planned due to internal affairs.

Maybe archers hidden class will be a late bloomer, like mulan. :slight_smile:

Yes, those have been added in the most recent maintenance. There is 6 new ones added to the game in total though.

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Here’s something Rogue players may be interested in.


I don’t know why, but am always subconsciously expecting changes to cryo and psychos when I like the way they are :confused:

it’s so strange :neutral_face:

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But the hot topic is healing factor!
( and all those swordsmen doing the channeling skill weaving )

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Do we know if Level of Capture has any kind of function by now?

Also, does it still steal a bunch of skills if they’re all close enough?

This video should give you an idea. :slight_smile:
(Broom Trap + Lachrymator)


looks identical to my experience in iCBT2.
Can’t tell what level that Capture is though and if that matters o:

I stole 12 stacked Broom traps once as an experiment with another Sapper Rogue. Never found out what the limit was though as the CD was so long the experiment got boring, so I pvpd someone and instakilled them with brooms of doom XDD


I was always under the impression that the level of the skill meant how many local spells you could steal at once (Or at least, that is what the skill indicates). When i think about it further, the Rogue class has been rather quiet when considering any changes to skills.

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