Tree of Savior Forum

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This doesn’t applies in duels though but only in PVP arenas.

Once you duel someone they will alway be your enemy until you or that person dies.So your free to use the Telepath+offensive magic circle combo and not worry that they will turn into an ally.Just make sure to cast your magic circles before you use telepath.

patchnote translate?

Nice info. Thanks

/20 chars

So are emotes purchasable or are they some token bs I’ll be forced to deal with…

Any Patch note coming today guys?

It depends, if you mean the chat emoticons - then no.
If you mean the character poses, then yes - there is some default ones but the new ones that are/have been added are currently only available to token users.

Check my Pastebin.


I crei everytime
guess I gotta be more careful with my silver

Golden Anvil item tool-tip will be changed:
- This item can only be used on Equipment with 0 Potential, Even if the refine fails the equipment will not be destroyed. Enhancement levels are decreased by 1 for each failed refine, Failed attempts over +12 cause the equipment to reduce to +10. Usable with Mouse Right-Click.

I like this

"7. Archer’s [2-Handed Bow Mastery: Anti Air] Attribute tool-tip has been updated:

  • Current: 공중형 몬스터에게 [양손활]로 공격 시 특성 레벨당 20% 추가 대미지를 줍니다. ( 20% bonus dmg when attacking flying monsters )
  • New: [양손활] 장착 상태에서 공중형 몬스터 공격 시 특성 레벨당 20% 추가 대미지를 줍니다. ( When mounted, additional 20% damage per attribute level towards flying monsters )"


Thanks dude, u have informations about the content of guild missions, dungeons translate?

It says additional. Does it mean you only get a bonus when mounted, or that you get a double bonus when mounted?

or get bonous only while mounted

Is there any news on the additional hidden classes yet to be released? Like something in the rumor mill, or something Korean players have hinted at hearing?

What they mean ‘mounted’ maybe it’s just mean ‘equip’ ? maybe…

No, I think they changed it entirely from “Current” to “New”

Now being mounted gives an additional 20% damage each attribute level, while before it was a flat 20% bonus regardless of whether you were mounted or not.

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Hmm, but that’s an attribute on the archer base class, which is only useful in combination with an r6 class. Seems very weird.

I don’t think it’s really mean that we have to mounted a companion. I think it’s just mean ‘Equip’ but when translate from kr to eng the choice of word may be differ.

And seriously, attribute that require to mounted in a Basic class that can’t mounted? sound ridicurious.

Mounted = equipped, yes. This passive belongs to archer and archer can’t mount companion. Logic.
In iCBT1-2 this passives translation was same.

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So it’s to clarify that it ONLY works with 2H Bow, and not with things like Musket?

(Or alternatively a nerf so it doesn’t work with Musket if it did before)

The effect of two-handed bow attribute works exactly the same as before. The patch only changed its tooltip from “attacking flying type monsters with two-handed bow” to “when equipped with two-handed bow, attacking flying type monsters~.”

I just tested it in game. I am not mounted, and the damage with two-handed bow towards flying type monsters still gets 100% bonus.

So it is merely mistranslated. Not a big deal.