Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Honestly… they probably have their engineers working on steam client and the new stuff. You know… The translators are doing translations on things that say questLv300 or something along those lines… That means another 8 classes to boot… Their balance team probably has their hands full.

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Yeah the team is probably up to the neck in work, people really often forget that IMC really isn’t all that big of a dev team at all overall. These things take work man give it a minute or two.

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Yeah… Though I feel like they should really just hire on another engineer or two temporarily till bugs get worked out and the content creators have really good tool set. I don’t know if that’s a big deal over seas or not…

I know in America we do it all the time… And then generally just boot them out after they make great tool kits and get all the kinks worked out. Got a lot of other multi-skilled people that can do design or content development and some coding so a lot of the time the pro engineers just get the boot when they aren’t in high demand. But you know that might just be Americans and us being real pricks with our workforce.

So I was wondering what the prices of additional character slots/lodge expansion are… but couldn’t find any info on it anywhere.

Unless that’s not an option yet, even on kTOS?

I think it was 33 TP for each slot…

could be wrong…

How much slot of characters you start with?

5 like last time?

Yes, it’s 33 TP.

Korea has 4 slots Free at the moment.
(I’m not sure what the size was on the beta tests though.)

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Well I know where my first 200 TP is going.

Is there any list of items we can buy for TP?

I wonder what people would do with those 650 TP? 20 char slots?)

The Tosbase has a cash-shop section, I would recommend to see, however it does lack things such as lodge prices and warehouse expansions. The prices of items currently match Korea’s current TP Shop.

However, if you’re asking in regards to International cash-shop pricing, i am unable to tell you the price of the items.


That’s what I was asking. Haven’t seen tgis section before, TY.

Patch notes out ? Or not?

Look above, they are out.

I haven’t found English transation, do we have one?



Thank you, I forgot to do it previous time)

Oh Shield Lob got a bug fix. And I’m impressed in how big is the bug fixes section of every update in kToS.

Reading patch note until …

  1. Tokens will be change so that you can stack token buffs.
    - Even if you are under the effects of a token buff already, you’ll be able to use another token.

Wait…WHAT!!! :open_mouth:

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Oh @fitzfeliz I played Warframe too and the game evolved so fast. And when I was more active their maintenances were so fast and only require a quick log out to update.

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