Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You make no sense and we all know that the account is bound to the guild -_- sigh.The point of having more than 35 members is to HAVE more people in the guild lol.

@leleconildo I agree with you on the map stress,it’s already bad right now.

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Yep, I noticed too. I started to play at the Ausrine server, and there are a lot of players in there XD

this is how we said farewell to the whole Valkarine server yesterday :smiley: a GvG delcared to the entire korean server… hahaha, is very very fun and demolition scene.

watch this video.


Why is this Character so big?
How can i do this?

Other question is with F12 i can make a video. But i did not find the video.

Because she is rank number 1 in the Journal.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

I don’t know why she hide the names but we need to respect that and she is entitled.And who cares lol honestly…-_-


this is not my character, so I got the name made white.
the player is not here in the forum

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i have the permission from the creater but she said i must white her name :smiley:


Anyway, you CAN become this big using Rune Caster [Rune of Giants] skill :wink:

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Bigger… actually.

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Smth like this


Thats a bug.

About half the size xD— he’s double enlarged.

was looking for giant but did not think that a building was a player…


so I played some KToS today out of hype and got a monstergem from the plant thingy in crystal mine.

However, when I checked my inventory it wasn’t there.

At first I thought that I mistook it for something else but when I opened my adventurer journal, I figured out that it was listed there.

no idea how to report it to korean ToS team
it concerns me that items rare as monster gems may eventually disappear
from my inventory.

there’s obviously that slight chance that I was retarded enough to drop it.
But when I drag stuff out of my inventory-window to drop it, I have to confirm it aswell, right? So that’s prob not what happened.

Did you die ^^.

A part of the gems dropped will be lost forever. Even if you pick them up
Atleast that was what happened in ktos a few weeks ago.

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When you die some of your gems might get lost without being dropped so you won’t even be able to pick them up after coming back to the same place.