Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Don’t tell them to chill it will make it worse lol,I say we move on to other things we all read your opinions and feedback about it.

Hmm, I don’t think we had information about the amount of heal circles on TOSBase (at least not recently). I’ve updated the skills at least once a weak (after each patch), recently nearly every day due to the big amount of changes in the translations and I can’t remember the description stating a maximum of 5 heal tiles on TOSBase.

I know there was some confusion about AoE Attack Range and AoE Attack Ratio as stat description. But those stat names are not part of the translation but instead part of a html template I created for the item tooltips so whenever a stat gets changed I need to manually change it, too. I’m in contact with the translation team trying to prevent those issues but with all those changes it’s always possible to miss something. I’m updating the items anyway so names, description and stat values should also be up to date. :slight_smile:


I think both tosbase and the main nexon page need to rethink the way the videos are made…

the look nice and give you a clean view… but some of them are just useless if you actually want to see the skill in action and what it does :\

luckily there is description xD


Well I’m just using the official videos from the nexon page with a few exceptions when people send in custom videos with a better quality. It’s not really possible for me to create videos of all skills myself ^^

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yeah! I notice…

I too know how it feels to not have the time or resources to do better :pensive:

maybe people that have ktos can motivate and send you some HQ videos :smiley:

Boo hoo I got pooped on/can’t one-shot kill [Insert class here], please nerf.

It’s meant to be a rock-paper-scissors kind of game and if you expect that your musketeer, for example, should be able to wreck everyone you encounter simply because you’ve spent x amount of hours on it then you are wrong. Go back to Call of Duty. A futile reply from me really because i’m well aware that the bitching will never stop. Baddies will always have something to complain about, because they didn’t get what they felt entitled to. You can keep blaming the class system for your woes but realize that one day it’s okay to admit that there may be a tiny tiny tiny chance that it’s your fault… and that you’re just garbage.


Yeah and there are the other ones who think if their character is immortal then that’s normal because that’s what their character is about.

If something is overpowered it still has to be fixed. For sure there will be a lot of baseless whining too everytime but that is the devs task to decide what is what.


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… Your exaggerated claim regarding clerics aside, you realize that in that particular game paper doesn’t actually destroy rocks right? Could be a pebble, stone, rock, “immune and indestructible diamond”, paper could still wrap around it regardless… So no it doesn’t render the paper useless. Your complaint is noted though.

If a wizard class can kill a cleric class does that truly make them immortal?


I think you still dont get it lol. It’s more about them making their whole party immune to Physical damage than themselves. It’d be fine if it was a self buff, but a party buff the way it is now? Idk man(women)…

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No i get exactly what you mean. Immunity to physical damage doesn’t make them “Immortal” though. Problematic for AA’ers and physical damage dealers, Sure. Does it make them hands down unkillable? No.

No it doesn’t… but that was just an exaggerated example.

But it is still not balanced well… Like physical classes shouldn’t even participate in arenas because there is a high chance they won’t be able to do anything… because Stone Skin is even a party buff…

We can have a bit of Rock Paper Scissor…but that shouldn’t exclude whole class branches… and Scissor also should be able to hit Rock a bit so they can have a chance.

@iago_l I was thinking about the self buff thing… and I think that is still not good… because as I said above I think the Scissor still should have a chance against the Rock…it should be just lower,. because otherwise it is not fun.

That’s why one shoting skills are not fun either… It rly kills off the fun when you have no chance against somebody… that’s not needed imo.

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Don’t feed theTroll, jeez guys

No person can be that ignorant/clueless about the discussion

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Well i mean there’s a chance that cc classes might be useless too if there’s a plague doctor on the other team and bloodletting is a party buff too mind you… There’s a chance high chance that you can’t do anything if there’s a musketeer on the other team, depending on your class, because you’d be dead. I mean if you’re going into the arena with an all AD or and all Mage comp then sure there’s a high chance they’ll wipe the floor with you because you have no contingency plans.

I’m speaking strictly about mass pvp here because 1v1s are a totally different thing and you can expect there to be a lot of one sided reaming. Stoneskin does not = end of the world as some of you are claiming it to be.

The problem is full support priest outweight not only any other full support build, but any phycical damage build as well.
Basically 2 priest c3 will win against team of 5 archers/swordies for sure. Simply because they can heal, and their damage is far from thero(especially with chaplain).

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I say we just give people guns which can kill people in 3 shots or a knife that can one shot people at melee range. Make it even across all classes, hell don’t even have classes anymore. Let’s just all be the same because #equality so that nobody’s feelings get hurt. After the arena’s over everyone joins hands and we all stand as first place winners.

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Okay but really, Stone Skin should either get nerfed or become a self buff.
Just my two cents.


Protip: Take a Mage with you. I heard it helps.