Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I agree with buffs shouldn’t all work the same, I just believe if you’re running a full SPR priest there just isn’t enough counterplay against stone skin currently with its X4 scaling with how long of a buff time it is in PVP at least (PVE is fine) Archers and Swordsman classes just have an extremely long period of time where the opposing party can block 50-80% of their attacks. Currently the only ways to really circumvent it is using magic damage (non-issue) and building SPR on a character, which you should have some at least for PVP, but the issue with SPR is even maxing SPR it doesn’t give you enough block penetration to actually make much of a difference against it, I feel they should at least let you have some way to work against the effect in a meaningful manner. Stone Skin in PVP would still see a lot of use even if it scaled 2x with SPR I believe and would still be chose over other skills for that situation. What I’d really like to see though is SPR giving more block penetration so you can build against the block mechanic, currently block penetration scaling with SPR is a joke.


lol that would be a debuff and that doesn’t count xD

I do agree that the effect of Stone Skin is way too high with no disadvantages whatsoever. I think the game needs more ways to disable buffs(especially for archers/swordies)

i think it’s ok,
since priest sacrificed dps for def in this case

archer and swordman has good dmg output, while priest focus more on survivability


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some classes excel in pve while some excel in pvp
i don’t see why we should nerf these skills

edit: read the other thread wrongly sry

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Yes, they are. That’s why it’d be fine if it was a self-buff only, having it party wide is just way too beneficial. You can just look at PvP videos if you want, with Stone Skin, you block almost every single physical dmg thrown at you(and your party) and there’s nothing archer/swordie can do about it :c.

They are in fact immune to the ban hammer as there is no ban hammer for classes. Did you mean nerf perhaps?

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The Plague Doctor player needs to build himself around stoneskin to get the needed block rate.
it’s not like that u put 10 points to SPR and u will get the crazy block rate.

1 DPS + 1 support always have more advantages over 2 DPS when in PVP. that’s why support class tend to win more in automatic matches.

It’s kinda amusing to see dps classes QQing about other classes blocking their attacks, without thinking how much more dmg they deal over the support classes if not blocked.

I’m fine if u guys want to nerf stoneskin, but the dmg output for cleric class need to be buffed in return.


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Wait but… 400 Block is already enough to block alot of attacks… That’s already crazy Block Rate(I’m guessing you prob don’t know how big that is as a base stat) cause it’s actually, by far, the highest block you can get in the game. You barely need to “build yourself around stoneskin”. Get 50 SPR and there you go, 600 Block just like that while ppl have (level/2 block pen, which is 100 block pen for lv200) so… we’re comparing 100 block pen to 600 Block. I wonder how that goes for the 100 block pen guy…
It’s not about QQing, it’s about having no counterplay and just sitting there and accepting the fact that you’re useless because of one skill from a Rank 2 class.

I think the situation is actually much more complicated…

I’m sure there will be buff erasing classes with time…but will it solve anything? It will cause the same issue as Plague Doctor did with CC if they don’t do it the right way… a lot of ppl will feel mandantory to pick up the buff removing class…

I see the biggest issue with CC and Stone Skin at the moment btw too… but I would like to see a bigger revamp…what affects both stats and skills.

@nekomiko I’m a wannabe Chaplain and I still think you are totally wrong on this one… it’s abnormal to be immortal against a whole class branch.

i didn’t calculate this tbh. i had lv5 stone skin in icbt before without spr build, it didn’t make much difference tho

it also has cool down too

i think it’s not just stone skin, but also safety wall, revive and healing factor and heals that makes cleric with great survival ability

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ofc u can say i’m wrong as i didn’t test it out in pvp before
what i said is based on my icbt experience

Stone skin can be surpassed once you stay 25s without the buff, so a good player can find an opening and burst someone inside this party.
But PD’s Bloodletting only have 5s without buff, its almost impossible to find an opening to use some CC.

Like Dispeller in PvP, I think Bloodletting will have some change… maybe not a specific nerf, but a way to counter this skill.


Nice, more feature to encourage people explore maps instead of just doing dungeon and daily

I only played in icbt too so I could be wrong too…but how it looks like it doesn’t seem okay to me.

  1. It gives a lot of Block with SPR
  2. It is hard to get Block Penetration
  3. It is a party buff.
    But anyway I actually didn’t rly see a pvp video with lot of Block yet (wasn’t looking for them either) so…I only said I think you are wrong on that because you protected it too much while it seems different to me.

@Kinatsu_ Chaplains or…2 Priests still can be a problem… I don’t know how much… I rly would like to see that in action. But I think it still should be reduced to an amount where if you would build some Block Penetration you could hit them with a reasonable chance. But then again I say I still don’t see it fair either that while wizards can always hit everybody easily and hard to defend against them, Physical characters would need DEX and SPR too just to hit someone.