Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

…there’s actually some.

Detonate, Reversi, Counterspell for example.

But most are wiz or cleric based too xD…

Only sapper has an anti magic circle spell…

Shock helps reduce damage they do.
But there’s no “debuff” … atleast i havent noticed one.

The main reason archers suck imho is stoneskin

The main reason swordies do is lack of detonate/pushback

I’ll go for the lvl 15 °°

There’s no direct buff removal, and there really needs to be one. ( And 1 class shouldn’t be the only one that has it ).

I think debuffs need to be split out by classification, and there could be immunity to certain debuff types, like freeze, bleed, stun, sleep, etc. There shouldn’t be a single skill that makes you immune to all these types of debuffs, it’s too game breaking. There’s not really any counter-play to it.


Stoneskin= Need SPR

Block penetration against block spamming classes.

Sadly… stoenskin scales so nicely. So for pvp, you would need to build an archer without dex. But with Spr :Str combo…

But yeah. PvP is easyer with an CC spammer class or Self Invincible class atm.
Things are still alpha in pvp xD… totaly.

Fast Question.
Do i need WIZ 3 for Runecaster… i forgot again xD…

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I’d give it to swordies, and make it close range.

Uhh …

So i can build.

Sounds decent.

If they don’t nerf pyschic pressure+icewall hard … xD
I never had a chance to test flesh hopa gainst ice wall. But it should hit it too xD…
oh god xD.

I can be the Mega tank Wiz … I’m so gonna build this after my true first build of epicness xD…

Finished updating the Kill Count and Map Completion list.

English names for monsters and maps have been fully added now. :slightly_smiling:


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You can never get enough SPR to break through this 2k block wall. It needs to be reduced at least to 0.8xSPR. Otherwise numbers are too ridiculous (It’s more then 200% block chance). Defenive skills shouldn’t scale better then offensive skills.

I don’t think you need Wiz 3 for Rune Caster. As I remember the only class which require plre classes is Chaplain (aka Priest C4).

I think it’s fine how it is. Why shouldn’t defensive skills scales well?


Kepa file name is Onion…

and all this time I thought it was Shiny Oddish


I just felt the hatred in this… XD You didn’t even let us have 1xSPR.

I still would be happier btw if Block would be changed totaly into %damage reduction that affects magic too.


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As a biased buffer who is relying on his buffs… I warn you! You won’t get my buffs with this mentality! :persevere::triumph:

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I think buffs could be more “situational” spells, works only for few secs/CCs and have around 10 secs CD, so you would still need playerskill instead of press a buttom an watch all enemies running away for 35 secs.

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you can remove buffs by right clicking the icon, same with summons

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Now I just need to be able to do this to enemy players.