Tree of Savior Forum

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that would make them be a much worse choice them Cannonners though.

But now they seems to be much better choice for both PvE and PvP (still worse then wizards/clerics). I mean, class design is better fitting single target dps/burst role and close quarter AoE (combination of sniper rifle/shotgun). Right now they are like immense long AoE burst with pretty low cd. But still suck in PvP.

Add here Scoutā€™s Cloaking for another *1.5 and easy 200k+.

On the icbt2 I stopped playing around 150+ because of that reason.

C - Casual


The curve resets were at 136 and 186. The 150ā€™s required less exp under the uneven curve than they would under a smooth curve.

How did you not notice that the resets happen shortly after class rank changes, so character and class levels keep pace? Varying it also adds variety and medium term goals to work towards instead of making everything bland and monotonous. Exp card use becomes more strategic.

You just bashed imc:

Donā€™t whine about him being condescending when youā€™re being even worse.


This is how Snipe works against players now.

Youtube link is broken again

Justice eventually arrives.


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Adds before or after all the multipliers?
If itā€™s first then it will still increase the damage by pretty good amount, but if it applies as bonus damage (after all the multipliers) then itā€™s pretty pointless attribute.

But anyway, thanks for the information, I might need to change my Musketeer build now.


Iā€™ve been hoping thereā€™d be exp-rewards to be gained via exploration, thatā€™s one way to do it.

So I assume higher Level maps will give higher Lv EXP Cards, so it stays relevant later on? I can see it being made to give rather insignificant amounts if some Lv400 maps turn out to be explorable way earlier without much of a problem, but that can easily be addressed by also requiring you to be, say not more than 10 levels below Map-Level etc.

That further incentive to grind is very welcome as well : D

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What exactly happens at this video? He missed it?

Were there any changes to it recently?

And what is justice when any physical damage skill can be evaded/blocked/reflected. Simply cast deprotected zone and stone skin and enjoy musketeers being useless. There is no such thing as justice in PvP right now.

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Well done imc :smiling_imp:

Yeah, now you need to actually land a skillshot with instant cast time to hit an enemy. Learning curve for musketeers truly skyrocketed.

*But hoestly, gamepad users will suffer a lot.

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people would choose cannoneer for playable reason :smiley: it has to be very skillful to play with snipe skill :smiley:

I mean, itā€™s still quite easy to land on single target, even moving. Though it may be really ping dependable. So yeah, cannoneer became much more viable now, simply because itā€™s spam everything on cd difficulty level.

However, Musketeers are totally viable in PvE with linkers/peltastas and would be great in PvP due to their style, if PvPā€™d ever become balanced (I mean damage/status/block/eva/cc adjustion to make archers and swordies viable again).

falconer class could be the class to make musketeer snipe playable in PVP and PVE :smiley:

Iā€™m not sure if it was ping or if thatā€™s how the skill works, but the musketeer had the target in the crosshair when he fired it. So thereā€™s either some travel distance time for the snipe to hit or itā€™s heavily ping dependent.

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Actually in PvP Falc is not essential. And for PvE ofc Iā€™m talking about Falc-Musk builds comboed with linker/peltasta. I can also see Musketeer perfectly fitting in Rogue based builds, since it also has quite a lot of strong melee skills and can be used to deal with solo targets at back line.

I wonder, if you can use kneeling shot(or any other skills) while burrow? It might turn into an interesting QS-Rogue-Archer build for rank 8 with 60% increased critical attack rate and triple damage autos at max aspd and range. Perfect ambushes in action)

Hello, any update on full patch note today? (Just wake up :confounded:)

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