Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

1 circle in sapper gives stockade.
But yes, you really want to go 2 circles atleast for broom trap.

Uhmm… Ok guys, between Swift Step Lv15 and Steady Aim Lv10.

What will you pick?

I’d get Steady Aim ofc. 30% more damage > 25% more critical rate but not only this, critical rate is available at maximum even on Archer C2. So it would be “30% more damage > ??% more evasion” (which doesn’t help that much anyway on ~250+ nor Arena PvP). Swift Step is already a “permanent” buff on C2 too.

I think your question would be Twin Arrows Lv.5 vs Steady Aim Lv.10


None, actually lol but yeah, what @LunarRabbit said. :wink:


lol, anyway, my point is I don’t what to pick Rg only c1 because SteadyaimLv5 only give 15% and half of my skill is Poison. x_X

I’ve used Archer C1>QS 1 on my Sapper 2>Wugushi 2 and all QS 1 skills helped me a lot (but only like utilities and not real damage or so).

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Interesting idea so far, Thank you guys alot : D

Ill just leave it here, as proof that, during his class dilemma, @maruthontour had an identity crisis:


@Gunnr LOL

@maruthontour But QS 1 isn’t thaaat magically good low rated class:

My second character on Archer C2 > Ranger C3 was a lot stronger, Archer C2 and Ranger made a huge difference talking about burst damage output on PvP and PvM.

QS’s Pavise mostly helped vs Archers on PvP and Stone Shot didn’t help that much. On PvM Pavise could aggro even non-aggressive monsters and Caltrops works fine for luring aggressive monsters (grinding maps) but you won’t need that later because you’ll surely have a good party with a Linker or people with good AoE or Peltastas… :x

Stone Shot would help a bit on PvM but won’t matter that much because strong monsters usually won’t come alone.

So you really need to think a lot xD

EDIT: Also, Archer C2 gets Heavy Shot that helps a lot on PvP.



I don’t think going for Wugushi 3 is worth it especially when poison damage is scaled with your Physical attack if I am not mistaken. The most common build that use Wugushi which I’ve seen so far is Archer>QS3>Wugushi>Archer2>Wugushi2 and I think you can discard archer2 for Cannoneer.

I am thinking of going Archer c2 - Ranger c3 - falconner c2 too.

Is steady Aim 45% damage buff only applied to missile attacks?
Can Steady Aim be shared through linker buffs?
If I were to replace any of those ranks to get a Hunter c1 for the Snatching 100% strike buff ( to increase the damage of the Falcon on flying bosses) , Would I replace 1 rank of ranger or archer?

Actually… c3 insects are op xD.

Each time a monster dies inside that aoe. It spawns a insect that deals damage for its whole duration.

I have seen a video of it in earth tower. Really nice.

And poison scales on physical atk, not str alone. Just doesn’t work with ranger bonus.

The reason I want Wugu c3, because no-one want it :smiling_imp:

…And the parasitic bug is cool :smiley:


look like I have to stick with the same build I have in ktos in the end :cold_sweat:

IIRC poison dot would also scale with skill Lv. but I can’t confirm it. Also the extra time for DoT is good on C3 too.

@Sabin I tested it and the party won’t get Steady Aim, only me.

@greenfoxy21 can you show me the video?

@maruthontour which bug? o: By the way I had the same feeling with my first character and then the same feeling with the second, lol.

I mean Jincan Gu, the little green roach of the dead ;D

Ops, misunderstood it. xD

You know what , I am maruthontour alternate ego!! :imp:

let me tell you something. maruthontour He maybe look like a nice guy, but actual he’s an IDIOT.

When he going to advance to Rank6 in Ktos, he click on the Schwarzer Reiter in stead of Wugu c3 and he have no idea how to undo it. So he have to deal with it and totally mess up his build.


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I say go for QS 3 Wugushi 3

Why? They say you can get Jincan Bugs from your Caltrops.And since you don’t want crits,just keep the build simple, STR=CON

@Archer Swift Step

I may be wrong but the new attribute that makes it party wise was made so Archer 3 sounds more enticing than just C2 for crit attribute+other class. How much is the +CD with the attribute that makes it party buff again?