Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You can trade if you are Token user.

i cant find new quests from lv 229/232 map

  • Elgos Monastery Annex
  • Elgos Abbey Main Building
    where is it to begin those side quests

Just to make sure keybinding is possible now right?

It has been stated that token users will be able to 1:1 trade but I don’t think it’s been implemented yet.

It is. You have 30 trades per month.

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Is stone skin considered shield buff? In the description only reflect shield is mentioned which is not core skill of this build.
Cancelling absolutely any defensive buffs sounds too good for 0 cd skill. Are there any proof or list of buffs cancelled by this arrow?

@Kaname right now if you register an item there is a random wait period between 30m ~ 2hr for the item to show up on the market.

You brought up an interesting question. I remember someone saying you could customise your keymap, but twas unclear.

If someone could confirm, Id appreciate, since Ill play with keyboard option again, and the default layout sux. :expressionless:


I saw this somewhere so I’m wondering if its fake or not

That’s real.



Aye, I saw that too. If only someone could confirm, now. >__>

Just wondering if we’re still able to change character voices to other languages, like Japanese? I much prefer the Japanese to the Korean, as I can tell what’s being cast without seeing it.

It’s really like that but I didn’t test it and the controller option was disabled (not implemented? / in progress?) but I can’t test/take screenshots right now :c

@Micchi you can’t on kOBT. If you try it’ll disable all the voices, lol.

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Yeah it’s working. This actually allows me to play in mouse mode on certain characters. I know other people who are playing with the controller but I haven’t used it yet.

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Thank you! Thank you! Both of you @LunarRabbit and @zhouyu47! :heart_decoration:

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Did they ever get around to fixing quests and hidden switches so you can click them without a controller though? I remember thinking some quests were bugged till one of my friends told me he just had a button prompt pop up in controler mode. So I had this funny setup where I’d occasionally swap to controller to activate a switch or event then swap back to mouse.

Aw that’s too bad T_T Thanks for the reply.

@STAFF_John It would be nice to have the option to switch the language of the character voices. Since you’ve got a key customizer in game, you could do something similar for voices. Hope it’ll be implemented! ><

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I have the same issue in mouse mode, while they’ve certainly made it better, there are certain quests that if you didn’t know were there you’d never see because there’s no way to click on it in mouse mode.

Ah, about that. We did have a poll asking what language of the character voices would you prefer.

The poll suggested to leave it as it is.


Speaking of which, will it be possible to use the Japanese voices in the international version? That would be really awesome, as I enjoyed them a lot.