Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

did you try that cheers one

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Oh great, they broke YT links again… :expressionless:

Fedimian Party


Psss, wanna know how that happens?
Talking and playing with other people because otherwise you are just gonna be called an ass and Kirito wannabe. Probably edgelord too.

I ddin’t got to my position in the guild via being that kind of ass, I got here via being a helpful ass.

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Is it still no good news of Archer hidden class? :hushed:

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The only thing I got out off that is that you are completely unnable to balance real life and videogames and that your previous guilds are run by no lifes that don’t know how to do that either.

@fitzfeliz I don’t know man, I just don’t know.


I have no idea anymore either I wish we could get back the patch notes and updates now or something else important.

Also why cant clerics jump now okthxbai


Don’t worry, everything in the game is quite acessible, you won’t need days off :slightly_smiling:

You just need to be less kirito and more luffy :joy:

I mean, that wasn’t a good comparison, but you need to socialize, talk to people, thank for the party after match making a dungeon, etc…

And dude, everyone needs friends, stop it already, lol

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Is it hard to differentiate between socializing and making a name for yourself ?

something about SR… INTERESTING :open_mouth:

  1. Schwarzreiter
    - Concentrated Fire: maximum hit counter has been changed to deal [2 + SKILL LVL]hits.
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So it’s increase number of shot by 2. Thank you :smiley:

Wait…Am I misreading or Twin shot now use Stamina instead of SP!! :open_mouth:

Sorry @STAFF_John , but can you ask the dev to fix this bug (click link below …for youtube video)
Controller bug: item slot set changing to default when player moved
basically, you can’t use set 2 at all when moving …because it changed back to default set, even if you changed direction or moved slightly, seems like this bug already available since last week, …do hope it fixed fast

also the crafting achievement popup still not fixed
crafting achievement bug, and extra

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All the new emotes in action fix the bloody YT links!

Credits: /u/OhDearAudrey (Derf)


OMG, diev monk cant jump anymore. Thats very bad lol

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