Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I just got excited when I saw Rodelero in the patch notes buuuuuuut it was nothing lol… :frowning: poor rodel


“snare” attribute, but small, 2~3 seconds

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it just mentions that the visual FX will be altered again ( it cause some lag when you PP ) wall and fireball

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or even better, fireball attribute where friendly damage couldn’t move it


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Here come the good stuff!! :open_mouth:

If you want a Solo game ToS is literally the complete oposite of what you want, every single time the devs comment on what they want to make they say how they want people to interact and have a comunity.
And please for the love of whichever deity you may adore change your goddamn icon ebcause it’s going to give me a seizure one of these days.


So instead of buffing Rodeleros, you nerf them to the ground by “fixing” an issue that gave them one single good skill to use. So now we’re back to 5 seconds of half-speed Shield Charge and 35 second cooldown, and during that time we just have to try and hit people with our single hit, no damage debuffs, none of which scale with extra skill levels.

Thanks IMC.

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hey, slow down Kirito


So cleric tree class’s cant jump now?

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oh my, then the world must be really super populated :open_mouth:
considering the large number of those 4%

(i’m obviously joking)

This link is exactly what you should expect it to be.


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welcome to the psycho tier…

hope you love running in circles and crying for help…