Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

People said that EleC3 is bad because Frost Cloud cant hit flying mobs, which become pretty common later. And the feedback/guide is based on Earth Tower experiences, which so far, hasnt shown any flying mobs yet.


How high is the fly %?

I mean archers with thb ā€¦ will have a good time then pveing.

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Rodel ok tier?

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hey b0ssā€¦ english guide pls

Just so you know, Im not saying Elem is bad (Iā€¦ made one back in iCBT2 and liked it), but telling you what some people believe.

Bring this back so I can RP with it please

^ Update [Adventure Journal] by using the data that have been accumulated.



Yay patch day!!! Excited to see what happensā€¦

that floor number 4, manā€¦
nice kabbalist-pala healer using Barrier

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man, you should really just go back to 4chan if all youā€™re going to do is shitpost. at least I can only read your contamination inside there and not here too

you brought up some pretty good points but unfortunately you negated that by simply failing to understand or appreciate the value in the other sideā€™s arguments. I get that both standardized and gear-based PvP have their intrinsic value, so instead you should focus on ways to get both to work rather than entirely dismissing something just because it is in contra-distinction to your opinion.

you canā€™t just throw the baby out with the bathwater - you have to keep the barriers of entry reasonable so that the majority of players can participate meaningfully while having some sort of differentiating standard - that being time and effort already shown through your winrate and skill.

for example, perhaps we could have standardized pvp but have cheaply available gear / permit certain gear that can be customized for counterplay. think hard ya shitposter

1-Of course you would need a skill to use that feature, think Scout Barrel for example.Skill has a cd,you canā€™t use other skills while holding a statue and all skill levels do is make you move faster.Having it as a C3 only feature makes a nice trade 0ff for other R5 classes

2-Maybe one skill for carrying statues and another different one for tossing.Both would have CDs and you need to dump point to make them useful(increased damage and range for example)

3- Silence Tree wouldnā€™t be avaible for carry and tossing, obviously. Also most debuffs are Rank 1 so any decent Cleric would make people immune.

tl;dr Donā€™t be so close minded.

I donā€™t see why we canā€™t have both and let the players decide where they want to go.My post is already being
forward to the Dev team :joy: so we will see what will happen.

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Didnā€™t he just run aroundā€¦ And placed Heals? XD

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pardoner scrolls


at least itā€™s a nice barrier that lasted for 60secs u.u

First I was kinda upset that he didnā€™t heal ppl wellā€¦ X) Thenā€¦I realised those evil monsters stole the tiles lolā€¦XD They even changed the barriers thatā€™s why he didnā€™t put down more I guessā€¦(barriers seemed useless for the monsters btw)

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Yes itā€™s an evil skill ā€¦ called reversi.

For most monsters, barrier combo+tank+aoe seems good.

But i really liked that build from the one mage.
wiz3cryo3 last rank ? i didnt see wha the took.

But frozen tree is so strong in earth tower, the pull is a lifesaverā€¦ so sad tha tuptime is only 1/3 of the time.
Gust does 3 hits to frozen enemiesā€¦ most people tend to overlook that. Itā€™s actually a really good skill to level.

Itā€™s an easy to max attribute ā€¦ which is like 150% bonus atk attribute to frozen and 100% to unfrozen.
Sadly gust hasnt a own +% matk modifier xDā€¦ that would be to op.

Rune caster? for that sweet sweet isa?

she is - wiz 1 kryo3 chrono 3