Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Except if all of your gear did work PvP wouldn’t be fun for the majority of people playing ( since it’s available at rank 5 ). It would be like WoW where you spend 1 month letting people kill you because your gear sucks just to level up and get the gear that you need to be able to fight effectively.

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Steparu’s league videos are an excellent example

i wonder how you never mentioned the dreaded first round lag, even koreans get that, and it is in no way minor.


#1 joke class. They could buff Rodeleros three times and it wouldn’t be enough. Just rename them Comedians to accurately reflect what they do in a party. I double chromadog dare you guys to improve Rodeleros until anyone takes them more seriously than a popolion stuck in the bottom of a well.

Yeah rodeleros definitely need some love. Every one I’ve fought against is just slightly annoying as they wait to be killed.

Guy pls adding some damage to skills don’t make hunter looking better.

You may read my complain hear and here.

Guess yar not alone, kinos feel the same way

they’re like the worst class to go against in pvp with all those cc :cry:
with the right build, you pretty much could easily kill anyone you lock your shield on.
**Had a match where one rodelero kept murdering three of us one by one.

How the pvp arena works in ToS? As I can see in videos your team is randomly made and you have to win 2 rounds to be victorious.

a way to have it in english ?

i tried google translate but …

very interesting.

Your teammates are random and you aim to get most wins out of 5 matches

What @elijiahrave said, plus your gear is standardised and need at least Rank 5 to queue (your effective level is rounded up to 200 if youre below that). Also, PvP is available only at specific hours.

It seems that your level isn’t brought down to 200, but only brought up. Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but people 200+ get an advantage in arena. The gear standardization has some quirks, still working on testing that out. Some gear still gives bonuses ( although reduced ) while other gear does nothing ( and you might as well be wearing nothing ).

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I was a psycho in icbt2 and had a blast of fun with the class, that’s the reason I will end up making a rodelero :3

I bet I can make the class shine and be op with it :3


Yes, it is. Nice to see some people here that have excellent taste in monstergirl doujins.

On that subject, what do you think happens in that story? I still can’t wrap my head around the ending. Was it all in his head?

And regarding Rodeleros, I’d just be fine if they didn’t have the worst skill scaling in the game. Extra levels of Shield Charge, Montano, Shield Push, Shield Shoving, and Slithering do nothing but increase damage. They don’t increase debuff duration or allow you to run faster/longer while charging. And then there’s Shooting Star, a Rank6 skill that’s literally worse than Moulinet, and Moulinet is a really bad skill already.


Thank you! Corrected the info on my previous post.


Monstergirl fans unite!

Oh thanks for the information @elijiahrave, @Gunnr and @zhouyu47. Well, based on that the concept is totally wrong. When I’m doing something related to PvP in teams I expect at least do it with friends or have the option to choose who I will team up. I say this not because of gears or anything, but in those type of contents we expect roles or functions to be accomplished. And to be honest we can’t expect anything good when they threw us in a party with randoms. This Arena could work much better if was set as free-for-all.

About gear standardization in PvP this is something good in my opinion, but I’ve played other games who go more deed and cap characters level, HP, SP and other stats to a certain number to avoid inbalances. Tree of Savior could do that too and reduce or get rid of enhance atributes in PvP areas, for example.

Edit: I forgot to say thanks to zhouyu47 too :yum:

Rodeleros and Kinos be like




Twas supposed to allow us to queue with teammates/premade, it simply not working, I think.

@Loztchild thats an interesting idea, but Id prefer the other way around, with Ranked queue being with standardised gear, and a Unranked queue being for fun.