Tree of Savior Forum

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Best thing is when you die in arena and canā€™t use pet skills xD

P.S.: Iā€™ve heard that Catapratch is even worse talking about glitches XD A friend needed to relogin because he couldnā€™t use any other skills nor unmount, lol.

@Tomazelli Tried even running a 1024x768 window while doing dun190 runs. ;-;

Okay, these were good.

But 96% of the harem animes are douchebags.
WHo are chicken.

I mean ā€¦ a sane male.
Wouldnā€™t want to run around with 3~6 girls being in love with him.

It might be fun as fantasyā€¦ but 1 lover is already enough.
Specially, Novels that go infinetly about that. And the MC doesnt touch anyone, cause readers might be crying ā€œMY WAIFU! NPOOOOOOO!ā€ ā€¦

The same reasons idols never have a boyfriend in japan.

The best novels i read.
Are ones where the mc is a real human.
ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– , Drinks, Plays and Lifes.

Iā€™m finally writing my own book (after multiple attempts and writer blocks) ā€¦ and i can say it.
A story, where you just write about life in another world.
Without OP ā– ā– ā– ā– . Without Harem route. And without any ā€œOh my gosh, does she love me? No, i think shes just sickā€¦ā€ stupidty. Is so rewarding xD.

Thatā€™s why my favorites are somethign like Overlord, Coiling Dragon etc.
Even being fantasy they feel real and you wont get facepunched by stupidty.

Writing is a fun way to spend your time.
Iā€™m taking 30 minutes a day atm. And i can sleep better~

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Iā€™m angry. But not at you. I hate the industry behind novels.
When i began reading these ā€¦ rarely harem ā– ā– ā– ā–  happened. Except maybe Luis Familar stuff, i enjoyed that even. More of a comedy. But with a love happening between the two mc.

Kyoukai senjou ā€¦ xD i liked the fights. But would do without harem.
Iā€™m just a sucker for android and scfi fights xD.

Heckā€¦ Toradora can be described as haremā€¦ if someone wants to push it into that corner.
But i enjoyed the love triangle comedy xD.

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xD yeah.

Sadly, not every anime can be made by madhouse gods.
But then again ā€¦ getting second seasons is hardā€¦ if only i could kidnapp themā€¦ i would enslave them to bring us the glorious time of qaulity aniem back.

Where no content is skiped!

Hey guys, I have a question!

Dragoon: One Handed Spear VS Two Handed Spear:
Does it makes much difference? Likeā€¦ using One Handed Spear = 1~2k less damage?


Does anyone know?


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Alrightā€¦ butā€¦ according to IMC:
ā€œThey will gain more bonuses if they use two-handed spears instead of one-handed ones.ā€

Is that the same bonus you said or is it an exclusive bonus?

Oh! the ironyā€¦


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Tea party at Ausrineā€™s house!


Alright, thanksā€¦!


That might be a hell of a secret tea house, because as far as I know, we dont even see Ausrine in-game. :confused:

Have you put any points into Praise hunter skill?

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Of course it would. Do not forget the movement speed attribute (pvp term)

Using Multishot - Character will holding Crossbow SIDE WAY

Retread Shot - Some time stop working right after used it for 2 sec for no reason

Limacon - Character used Crossbow instead of Pistol and no signature sound effect ā€œPoi!ā€ anymore.
(Biggest Disapointment!! :rage: you can make SR c2 underpowered by Rank7 class all you want but not take away my ā€˜Poi shot!!ā€™ you hear me IMC !!)

Concentrated Fire - Character used Crossbow instead of Pistol , so, itā€™s technically another multishot.

And a ton of companion mounted relate glich&bug , you name itā€¦ :open_mouth: