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is it ever worth it to get more peltasta, a whole circle for 5 more mobs to agro.?

Peltasta c3 in dungeon parties are amazing to have. When I get one in party, I know the run is going to be super quick and smooth. That’s worth a lot. Also to note is that the ability to taunt 21 monsters at once will never fall off in utility, no matter how many ranks the game ends up getting.


Don’t forget that enemies critDefense also increases later into the game, so you may end up not being able to crit at all with just those gems.

Also DEX actually do scale into late game, since after 500 point in DEX every point gives double amount of stats, so crit chance will still grow up. But it will outscale str only if there would be weapons hitting really hard comparing to strength. Then those 50% bonus damage would hurt even w/o critATT.

Though, I agree that full DEX is probably weaker than full STR overall, since DEX power is in countering physical builds and it SHOULD be weak vs mages. So DEX builds might be best duelists among swordsmen but they won’t be best paty players.

As I already mentioned, my point is that it might be effective to invest some points into DEX even when going full STR in order to utilize that armor penetrating critATT. I suggest boosting DEX to the level where you would be able to crit at least 5% times w/o items(but with buffs). That way you won’t be restricted to crit focused gear and such gear will straightforwardly increase your dps. (Otherwise you can end up with crit rate lesser than enemy crit defense totally wasting that stat).

Depends on content.
If you’re facing a lot of mobs you want more of them under control so that everyone else isn’t taking unnecessary damage when you can just have it all redirected towards the Swordsman.
pel C3 makes runs go like flipping butter.

As for Dex at 500.
Thats the same for everything, bonus points is handled the same for all skills.
But STR and Int have additional scaling with Rank that the other 3 stats do not gain.
Although Int is still a fairly weak stat.

Dex scales into late game sure, everything technically does, however
Enemy defense affects STR and Dex alike.
Crit resistance affects them both as well, however STR is only losing out on part of its damage (Crit attack) where Dex is losing out on its sole damage contribution when Crit resistance is problematic.

A level 600 archer with 599 into Dex has 965 Crit rate. Thats a 67.5% chance to crit assuming the enemy had 0 Crit resistance. given (42x(Crit rate - crit res))/lvl
Thats a 33% damage increase.

A level 200 Archer with 199 into Dex has a 301 crit rate. Thats a 63% Chance to crit with 0 crit resistance. 31.5% Damage increase. Given that formula Dex barely gets any better with further investment. Gained 1.5% more average damage at max level going full Dex…

The game keeps you in “proportion” the whole time when it comes to Crit rate with Dex investment you have to break out using Crit attributes, skills, gear and gems.

Slotting everything to Dex is meh unless you want an evasion build.
The real thing is that in the early game, Socketing green gems is kind of pointless given how frequently you’ll ditch the equipment for something new while leveling.

Yeah but is there a big difference between getting 2 or 3 ranks of peltasta?
I was thinking of making a peltasta 2 > rodelero 3 > templar, but I’m not sure how good rodelero c3 is versus peltasta c3. I heard that rodelero is pretty weak right now, hoping for some buffs before the international release.

While discussing STR/DEX builds I’ve come to an idea of creating highly DEX based tank with decent damage designed based on stuff from new tower. I wonder how good are his stats, since I am not playing game mysef yet and it’s hard for me to tell if it’s good or not. Here is the stat distribution, what do you think about it?

The build looks like this, not sure about skill distibution, I have only a little idea about their effectiveness.

DEX>STR>CON Build Stats (Used full set items from the tower):

HP 28,232 (35,290 with SB)
SP 1,547
HP Recovery 492
SP Recovery 144
Physical Attack 731 - 792 (832-893 with Concentrate and Guardian on)
Magic Attack 323 - 323
Earth Property Attack 82
Medium Monster Bonus 132
Large Monster Bonus 264
AoE Attack Ratio 5
Accuracy 549
Magic Amplification 0
Block Penetration 213
Critical Attack 160
Critical Rate 305 (455 with Finestra)
Crit Chance vs 0 critDef 68%
Physical Defense 763 (1115 with Guard Active)
Magic Defense 589
Dark Property Resistance 90
Earth Property Resistance 126
AoE Defense Ratio 8
Evasion 682 (805 with guardian on)
Evasion chance vs 0 ACC 1.02 - 0.127 per 100 enemy ACC vs Self 32,4%
Block 269 (417 with finestra on, 597 while guarding)
Block chance vs 0 BlockPEN 52,8% (75,6% while guarding) vs Self 25,8% (48,6% while guarding)
Critical Resistance 95
Chance to be CritHit reduced by 14%
Stamina 101,67
Weight Limit 6,775

Stats with items (Effective stats):
STR 75(160) CON 70(95) INT 21(43) SPR 1(4) DEX 208(269)

Also, I wonder how dagger damage calculated, is it PATK+dagger damage or just dagger damage? Want to make another STR based damage with leather and dagger to compare. Not sure about 2nd circle, I doubt that this one will make a decent tank with only one peltasta rank, so maybe highlander? I think it’s Cross Guard skill combines pretty well with lots of Hoplite Piercing attacks.

Hmm, I’d say it’s a bit much dex for hoplitec3. Also your crit rate seems lower than it should be, are you accounting for green gems in gear?

Also remember that by going dopp you’re giving yourself a +50% modifer on your physical attack. Without a ton of strength, that bonus is a bit wasted. And, you actually want to get hit in order to get your 5 stacks of deeds of valor up quickly, so having too much evade ends up being a bad thing.

From what I’ve seen in this game, grouping things and doing damage to them quickly is far better than being able to tank them for a long time. Especially when it comes to the Earth Tower, where you’ve got a time limit.


Just to mess around a bit.

At level 100. If you have crit rate of 177 that would mean …
58,8% crit chance. Against a crit resitance 10 enemy like necroventer.
With swift step 87,675% crit rate, yes?

If i add in the bonus of multishot. That is 92,675% crit chance …

So why did i need some krivis skill to actually hit 90% of my multishot hits as crits on it?
And yes, i tested it out with a full dex build.

Crit resist can go into negative as it seems. Because with around 177 crit rate from my own buffs and equip bonuses, i hadn’t over 90% crit chance. But with an krivis helping out i actually critted it over 90% of the time.

I dont think a Skill crit bonus is the same thing as multiplying crit rate. I could be wrong

For instance my Cataphract is Swordsman C3 With the Double Slash attribute for 25% crit, but I have no dex invested and no green gems. I crit more often with Double Slash then makes sense. As I should basically have 0 Crit.
Things seem to be in line otherwise when not including those special Increase critical chance skills attributes.

It depends. Some things modify crit rate, while others modify crit chance.

The archer c2 swift step attribute modifies crit rate, if you have 0 crit rate you won’t get any bonus from it.

The rogue sneak hit skill modifies crit chance, meaning that after crit chance is actually calculated, then the bonus from sneak hit is added onto it ( meaning that with sneak hit it is extremely easy to get 100% crit chance ).

I’ve estimated stats w/o including any gems, since I’ve no experiense using them so not sure about possible numbers. Actually I hoped that deeds of Valor will stack fast enough thanks to taunting, while evasion and block will help to overcome defense penalty since I’ve invested not that much points into CON. Also I don’t know if it is overprotected, I tried to ensure that it will survive any assault w/o investing too much into defensive classes and be effective in PvP as well. I wonder what are the good damage numbers for swordsman or Hoplite in particular?

So will the better way be building heave strength focused build with leather armor and dagger and taking 2 or 3 circle peltasta instead of dopple/drag just for aggroing and defense boost?
Or is this build good by itself and only needs stat redistribution into STR?

It’s 5% … and it literally doesnt make much of a difference. But i sure want to test stuff now. Sadly i didn’t look at how often oblique critted … because it went down in less then 10 seconds.

But theoretically.
Red Kepa has 3 crit resist and hanaming 8.

At level 10 … with 22 crit rate.

I shoudl crit red kepa for nearly 80% and hanaming for 54,6 % …
I never had that many crits against these low crit resits mobs. I trust that the crit mechanic could be right, but there’s something funky and untrue still in there.

Specially as i farmed that red kepa (holding down z while reading a book … i really did press it.) with my new swordy later on. (just to level a bit pre-hard grind). I had a 2 gem socket twohand sword, and enough crit to hit him over 100% crit chance… and i critted like … 50% maybe with aa.

. I can remember going full dex with my archer early. Then adding spr and some str to it, when i found out that i can easily farm mats and level up my crit rate gems to level 5… In less then 1 hour, which helped alot from level 60 on.

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Anyone has tried transfering items to alt? Potential’s decreased?

Yep… potential decrease… similar to trade


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Has anyone tried or seen Subzero Shield get shared via Spiritual Link? Or is it not possible?

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that’s sad :frowning: If you were to choose between these supports which would it be:

  • C3-Cryo -> C3 Linker
  • C3-Cryo -> C3 Chrono

let’s say we’re taking in consideration late game content

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