Tree of Savior Forum

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Thanks man I made a thread about it so maybe more people can help you.

From the Inven post, you can find the Earth Tower instance in Istora Ruins (Lv 176 map).

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go be a unique snowflake :smile: :thumbsup:


I still have got to check tho if kurdaitcha double-dmg attr would work with party damage as well

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Who ever get ‘‘F’’ alphabet?
I find for 2-3 hrs. and still don’t get it. :frowning:

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Is the patch fully released right now on KR?

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Sure I’m hunting at 229 mobs level.
It is really hard to get it. :frowning:

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first floor kill 150 monsters in 5minutes. but the whole bunch hogma monsters stomp in and gg, everyone dead. so so so difficult!

Seems that a proper party and not simply matchmaking will be a must for Earth Tower.
Which level are you and what where the rest of the party?

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This is utterly insane.

Are the development team really aware of what they are doing to Musketeer? :unamused:
Those insanely high skill damage multipliers, and now a weapon that increases Musketeer’s skill level by 2 (it’s difficult to obtain it though). IMO they are not helping a once inferior class to become stronger; on the contrary, they are ruining not only this very class, but also the balance of this game.

Honestly every single weapon has a strength for different builds, it just so happens that it’s easy to aim to the Musket due to it being so exclusive.
Look at the Rapier for example, that’s also pretty strong and no one says anything, and the Venire was a thing WAY before that one, and it’s still arguably better.

Earth Tower:

Seem really hard to kill 150 mobs in 5mins. 1 Priest + 1 linker C3 + 3 QS would be the best i guess.

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If you’re still in college , don’t fine it!! Stay away from it as far as possible, it’s too cruel…

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A +2 skill musket is pretty insane.

ranger 3, scout and musketeer would be some ridiculous damage. That’s 8000 snipe damage + 400% base + 95% damage from cloaking and steady aim.

Without standing in safety zone or using some somesuch buff that’s gonna instakill almost every character from cloaking at level 200.

EDIT: but items don’t matter in PvP I guess

lv 280 Field boss

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