Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I’ll go check it out, thanks mate :thumbsup:

Just 10 runs of dungeon 130 in a single day will likely to give you mental breakdown

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why? Is it hard? Im going to try it haha

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i did that back to my first character in krToS.

I started to feel like that maybe the archer hidden class is rank 8 because they could have added it already…X) …but I still hope too to see something.

stop buffing archers
nono hidden class

10run? After 2run 115 dgn, i already feel sleepy. =\

Aside from that fan-made “REFRESH!” ToS trailer earlier. Here is the official one:

Im assuming its those guild raids comming in the new patch + new dungeons


oh man and to think that 115 dun is too small a map already…

Nothing can stop us!! :open_mouth:

Fun fact: Most of people saying “Tree of Archer” and so aren’t even playing kOBT. lol


there are barely any archers in the top 100

guys, i’m playing from orsha. i’m 80 now, but i can only get 2 boss card, is this normal or i got some bug T T? i’m planning to be sorcerer at rank 5, i’m really worried @@!

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thank you
20 characters

Arche rmight be able to nuke you.

But cleircs prevent nuke.
And WIZZ freeze or otherwise cc you xD.

It’s all synnergy.

SOme classes always will be better at pvp xD.

It feels like today’s patch was the one supposed to be the release version of ToS.
All the events and confidence to try bringing players back, feels like they are saying “The game is playable and now has enough content, sorry for the rushed launch”.
Even the patch name “Refresh” implies that.


about clerics in PvP ranks:

a party with a healer - buffer will most often get the upper hand against one without it, so the cleric will most often get wins

if both party got healers - buffers, then there is already a cleric gaining points

result: there will always be clerics in the ranks

real release, the 29th december was fake one, yeah, im agree

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