Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I’m not really hoping for any changes myself, but I’m waiting to see what changes IMC make in the coming patch. :slightly_smiling:

Also waiting to see what the next Hidden Class will be, here’s hoping it’s an Archer one to complete the set!

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Those are just random tidbits taken from trailers/etc it seems like.

It’s not officially out yet.

I almost forgot about this! Archers are always late to the party these days, but end up with a lot of attention!
Hopefully there is good reactions to come. :slight_smile: ( please don’t sue me)

prepare for an incoming 300+ comment war :imp:

I totally see it now =))

welp, i hope they"ll buff 1-hand swordie tmr.

I like your thinking :wink:

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Ooh yeah, here comes qq entertainment *grabs a bag of popcorn


I’m wondering… How hard is it to reach level 280? Has anyone reached it as of now? And what about the class level of rank 7?

YES! steal popcorn from elijahrave bag of popcorn

and the war begins.

Choose ur side: whiners or haters :smirk:

I’m on the hate side, I hate when pple whine. :wink:

Would you like a diet coke or an oj to go with that?

I couldn’t care less about the arguments, I’m just here to see ppl rage over a virtual game. It’'s always proven to be so amusing :smile:

Welcome to every video game forum.

If you have the mental strenght to do dungeons and missions all day, should be very fast.

Maybe 1 month or even less (with exp events)

Hardcore up players up to 220 in 1 week

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Actually , Welcome to the internet is more precisely. :kissing:

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Of coz i will join hahaha cant wait for it

@Loztchild i will make a thread about it hahaha

It’s unexpected to see Hunter change from an ‘Archer with Dog-that-can’t-even-walk-straight’ to the DOT dps class.(That sometime have no idea what it’s doing)

BUT…I am pretty sure this is not even the final form yet :open_mouth:

It’s exciting to see the next one, what Hunter will become this time :kissing:

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In which map is the 217 Dungeon located?

I think it’s at Inner Enceinte District, near the portal to Sentry Bailey.

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