Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

What is coz ? saw this word alot but I am no idea what it’s mean…

Like some players without access to kToS, I spent time developing several builds for many characters. But I’m aware that I can’t create all of them, given the limited number of characters per account, not including pet who also take a slot…
I wondered, how many spaces we have in the lodge? And how much costs the addition of slots in the lodge?

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It’s a slang word. ( or at least how i know of it)
Coz == Because (?)

If i remember, it is 4 Slots for the basic lodge, i forget the size of the other ones.

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creating char is just 9 tp? so what’s that 38 tp i’ve been reading in the lodge…
How about delete char, how much would it cost?

I dunno, you’d have to show me a picture because i can’t log in right now. Perhaps there was a change, but i can’t really remember the lodge/ storage stuff very well

Deleting your characters doesn’t cost money

Is items transfer between char in same account activated?
If it is, how do I do it? (edited for typo)

thanks for the answer.


Is 35 or 38 TP for one new character , so far i know. I also brought two of those, so Im sure that is not 9 TP only.

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Too bad i can’t do that as well, but I’ll get to it after work.

All these time? T_T so that means I get to relieve one space in my lodge with no cost… I’m such a dope

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not yet, it may possibly come on the next patch (17/18th feb)

Thank you…looking forward to it. :slightly_smiling:

Hoping they make pets not count one character slot after they put new pets in the game lol


Is there anyone know how poison damage of Wagushi skill calculate?

I saw someone pop a Throw Gu pot that have damage of 3000-3500 per tick.

Far as I know this skill have highest base damage at 1240, plus with charactor physical damage it’s just barely 2000, how can he manage to make it 3000+?


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How many talt for 1 mithril ore? and how much are monster gems worth now, it’s hard telling coz I can’t read hangul at all and my phone’s busted *sigh

5k each talt, so 200 lol

Monster Gems are pretty expensive I guess because you need to buy an equip with it already equipped and cant remove the gem without losing it.

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I hear there a quest that give you ton of money at lawgye something family, can someone tell me how can I do it? I go to that place many time and have no clue :cold_sweat:

And is there have more quest like this in another map?

Thank you in advance :persevere:

enlighten me pls… it’s hard coz there’s so much competition at tenet :frowning:

Is there a list of translated description of monster gems?
I tried searching but cannot find anything.
