Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

thanks for this mate :thumbsup:

Iā€™ve lost a blue monster/exp jackpot because of this ;-;

for AFK Squire money making
Better Selling level 10 repair or level 10 Weapon maintenance ?

IMO repair has more profit, coz :

  1. All the equipment need repair, Weapon manintenance only for weapon
  2. Cheaper from the Blacksmith NPC ( for high level equipment tough )
  3. Mostly player use coz dura drop so fast especially for Swordsman
  4. Player will prefer repair on squire for additional durability
    but i donā€™t know the real situation in game
    please enlighten me :smile:

Hey, I saw an item in the TP shop that look like a bag full with Hummer. I buy it and used it, nothing happenā€¦

Anyone know what was itā€™s do. :cold_sweat:

:expressionless: shouldnā€™t you have asked before using itā€¦

while someone replay with the answerā€¦ would you like to buy some of my suspicious looking cookiesā€¦

Itā€™s only 3TP anyway, soā€¦ why not? :open_mouth:

And no, I hate cookie!! :scream:

isnā€™t this ā€œemergency repair kitā€? item that restore 5 of equip durability, dunno how exatly this thing work, just remember something about that in patchnotes

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it works exactly like description

Does the Warlock spell Invocation ( ) work on kills from your summons ? Like sorcerer/necro minions ā€¦ Or do you need to kill them ā€œpersonallyā€, with direct damage spells ?

any official update announcement made yet?

You are two-three days too early to ask, jiny boy.

Itā€™s probably going to be as long as the 14/01/2016 patch
I look forward to what the most dramatic subjects will be :slight_smile:

Probably Repairs, but thereā€™s also 50% tax on the services if i remember correctly.

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aw just like pardoner spell shop ?
You mean all job skill shop has tax ? also gem roasting from alche ?
that suck

line 3 :

  • When using Squireā€™s Repair Stall, Weapon Sharpening, Armor Maintenance and Pardonerā€™s Spell Shop , only half of the usage fees will go to the person who opened the service.

It was established in KTEST but iā€™m not sure if it was carried over into OBT/Release because i have neither classes. I couldnā€™t find anything about alchemists, so they are probably fine.

Did imc secretly add some equip that raise all priest skills by +1? i didnā€™t understand how does this pardoner can sell lvl 17,16 and 11 buff

It could be Monster Gem & Divine Might if they C2 Cleric.

Aspersion Gem


oh, didnā€™t know that divine might and spell shop interact like this

Reiterā€™s durability goes down even faster x.x

I wonder if we can change our keys configuration in-game in this version. Last cbt was really annoying open the hotkey.xml file to replace Insert for another key to sit.

I believe a new hotkey re-registration system has already been placed into the game.