Tree of Savior Forum

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Now have shield with 102 ice damage to switch where fire was not effective =D

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talking about shields…

where you get this one

and how good it actually is :confused:

nto good?

It’S 60 defense extra.
Won’t matter much late.

But will help early.

As it’s level 40.
It should be nice to have till level 120+ or so.

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I guess it would be a nice addition to the Lv.220 bracelet.

Speaking of extra lines of dmg. I was wondering the attribute on Oracle’s Arcane Energy of “holy damage per attribute level”. That thing another line or is that elemental dmg… Cause I’m thinking of makin a Chap and that could be pretty snazzy.

Are you talking about this?

It’s meh; it literally just deals X damage to enemies around you upon casting Arcane Energy.


Oh… that’s a major disappointment… I thought it was something like enchant fire.

Are you 100% sure?

Because it feels so useless if it’s like that

(But they did it on divine might though)

I personally tested it as I was an Oracle in iCBT2, but I don’t know if they changed it since then. I don’t think it’s been mentioned in any patch notes or anything, though.


Do anyone know if we use Retreat Shot before flying with the Falconer skill makes you fly while keeping it firing?

swordman can’t grind alone after 260… i see archer/wizard/cleric party one another without swordman :confused:

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went with guldies only… public recruit is hard… they normally look for cleric/archer/mage.

jinfin, where do u grind? Isn;t exp/hour rates extremely terrible?

Not everywhere. There are places you can get ~30% per hour (at least during exp events).

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lv258 map and lv265 map are good places to grind if with linker

So enchant fire add another atk too ? … I can’t believe I missed this point …

It’s a elemental atk line+.

So all fire attribute bonuses get added to it.
Like arde dagger. Into that atk line too. So AA+Arde and an Fire Line Atk+ Arde.
Effectively multplying arde damage.

If they havent nerfed it xD.

Won’t ALL ele atk bonuses be added to every attack line? Just like arde works with cafrisun/sacrament.