Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Oh I see… then one of those most likely… X) I was kinda surprised he couldn’t capture that because that is definitely a magic circle…

Good info.
I tought it was only these tiles types.

That opens up crazy rouge play.
Like in RO.

I still remember Storm Gust Rouges and Brandish Spear Skill + Bow rouges xD.
So fun … being nuked by high accuracy brandish spear, while the rouge get’s bonus atk from dex…
Sadly you cant steal skills used “against” you. That would be to op xD.

I picked up jolly roger just fine in ICBT2, when was this change?

I wouldn’t mind a fiber lock skill. :slight_smile:

Thank for suggestion, I’ll try to solve it.

When you get a crash in dungeons does it take away one of your five runs? Do you just chew through reset scrolls?

I try remove all effect and it work fine now for me. No crash anymore

We have /effectoff? Do we have /minimize?

I mean the graphic setting. I untick all.

I also do that as well, but it didn’t work. T-T

Does arde dagger apply for each instance of elemental damage?

Say for instance I have +30 Earth, +30 Holy and +30 Ice and suppose Arde buffs for +130, would the resulting damage be like +160 Holy, +160 Earth, +160 Ice?

I’m too lazy to either test or search on this… :stuck_out_tongue:

Arde Dagger is elemental damage, or more specifically, it adds fire element damage. You shouldn’t confuse elemental damage as being the same as skills which apply additional lines of attack (separate hits from your initial attack) though. Skills like Sacrament and Enchant Fire all create additional lines of attack, of which elemental damage would increase each one, but the additional attacks isn’t directly a property of elemental damage. But yes, if your auto attack did 3 separate hits due to various items or skills you have active, Arde would add damage to all 3 hits.


I must admit, the distinction bet line of atk and plain elemental dmg is entirely new to me :smiley:

It’s a bit confusing, and honestly I had trouble coming to terms with it when I first started

But yeah, basically some skills (and items) add additional hits to your auto attacks, usually in the form of elemental damage. This is different from elemental damage as a stat, which gets applied to all attacks you deal. So if you just had +130 fire attack from gear like an arde dagger, it wouldn’t deal an additional attack, but instead it would augment all attacks you do with that amount of fire property damage. If you have buffs that add hits to your auto attack, or skills that hit multiple times, each hit done would be augmented by this modifier.

That actually makes elemental damage like arde very strong, especially if you get lots of attacks, but there are things it doesn’t do. Since it’s added to the end of the attack formula, it wouldn’t be part of the damage that gets boosted by critical hits, and if you used a skill that did more than 100% base attack, it wouldn’t be affected by that bonus.

this pretty much clears the fog of “why am i seeing lvl200’s still on cafrisun set O_O”
So only elemental buffs (with buff icons) give addtl lines of atk?

The skill that sold by pardoner both for spell shop and simony will have the attribute same as the Pardoner itself ?

Example : Priest blessing level 15 has 150 number of hits + attribute 30 mores ( assume the pardoner maxed its attribute )
also Daino normal duration 200s + attribute 120s

So, when we bought the skill from spell shop we will get the attribute too ? for 180 hits ?
same question for daino

and i thinks daino duration too short for selling scroll
maybe the duration can increased for 10mintues :smile:

I was kidding about screen resolution :x

Well, things I’ve tried that reduced (or not) the crashes a bit:

  1. Clearing friend list
  2. Clearing all groups from friend list
  3. Removing all effects
  4. Stopping using any vpn (helped a bit)
  5. Staying away from some “too much effects” area (but most of the crashes aren’t even in those times)
  6. Defragment files.
  7. Redownload every .ipf file.
  8. Reinstall.
  9. Compatibility mode (windows 7).
  10. Removing all effects directly from user.xml.

And I just gave up and accepted that I’ll always lose like 10-30% experience per day.

EDIT: Btw there’s still the pet glitch that makes me unable to use Reiter skills on Arena PvP after I die in a round. There’s still a control bug that prevents me from mounting the pet sometimes. There’s still the first round bug so I can’t see anything in the first time. There’s still the disconnection when chaning maps so sometimes I lose a room or two when entering some dungeons… It can’t be helped, just accept it if nothing works.

Tested it and the good news is that the pet can be glitched even if you are not mounted.

Also there’s the detail that +130 atk isn’t nothing at higher levels :c

It’s only ele fire damage xD.

Arde ticks into the ele fire dps.

Each ele fire skill.
Each ele fire atk from aa.

The other ele atks are individualy calculated. Check modifiers and game mehcnaics thread ^^.

Luckily arde dagger is a level90 dungeon drop.

So it helps in that level range ^^.

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