Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

is monk’s 1 inch punch loses sp can be resisted or prevent ( Plague Doctor ) ?
it’s a debuff or not ?

and can you block even without using shield ? especially using priest stone skin

No idea about the first part, but i’d guess it can be resisted, but don’t take it for granted xD

And you normally can’t block without a shield, one of the ways to block without a shield is by using priest’s block spell

Need feedback from someone using two Sissel bracelets, if the effects stack or you only receive the bonus from one bracelet. +20 movement speed could be crazy.

Yeah, Inch Punch can be resisted so far I know (tested in a person with Plague Doctor buff in PvP). Stone skin gives block even without shield.

Yep, it is a level 1 status ailment.

You can.

IIRC 60 is the max movement speed unless you are a GM with +100 movement speed shoes.

Doesn’t matter if its RNG, i’m having problem against a few skills like ciclone and teleport/swap could save me. all i need is to get out of gap.

exactly what i need :smile:

yeah… i don’t know if it will work like i want to and might be a waste, but if it’s working on pvp i’ll try.

Hey guys, I didn’t follow the balance change on Wizard class at all(normaly I only care about Archer lol), I want to know what they do with the Joint Penalty, do they nerf it somehow?

Remember when ppl used to HKnot a pack of mobs in a Fireball, and they’d take the Fireball dmg + the JP damage?(2*dmg) Yea, they removed that so they only take the regular Fireball damage now.

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It was a slight nerf that looked harsh on paper. Anything with True AoE doesn’t link damage ( flame ground, frost cloud ), but anything that deals with AoE ratio ( IE, most things ) or separate chained hits ( like Electrocute chaining to mobs ) still links damage.

Ehh… i dont wanna say it. But you didnt do much … 7k dps and you don’t have a real “control of the ground”.

The only think i saw in that video was.
Iron Hook stun.
Wizz Stuns.
And a bit zoneing with traps (which is sapper not rouge).

Okay YOU used fulldraw.
But heck, thats a circle 1 level 1~3 skill.
Which isn’t even hit good here…

Saying I didnt do much because of low DPS is wrong. My build isn’t even focused on DPS. It’s hard to tell what I’m doing if your only concern is damage.

I watched the rest too xD.

You hardly did any “control” on them. Aka cc like stuns, roots etc.
Sometimes you hit your full draw. Most times not.

And as said, zoneing with traps ins’t control ^^.

I might have overseen use of ground spell captures. But not all of the important ones can be captured.

Any advice for Swordsman build (PvP)?

Wanna try Swordsman now and see if I like the gameplay, was thinking C2 highlander, C3 cata and C1 X?

  • Does impale work vs oracle/plague doc buffed characters?

  • You def need a decent amount of CON, guessing full CON isn’t viable though, so dex/con?

  • What jobs/skills work with cataphract?

  • Is C2 highlander worthwhile later for PvP, or is it better just to take something else like C2 swordsman (pain barrier and restrain are both seemingly good) + barbarian or C3 swordsman?

I have this most of the time, like more than 5 times per 5 dungeon runs. Welcome to the unlucky team :smiley:

[non-sense]Maybe it’s the screen resolution as we both are using 1920x1080.[/non-sense]

I never played rogue, but the skill Capture is very interesting. It is true that all the magic circle, ground spell or trap can’t be used with capture. Can we capture friend magic circle or trap? And which ones of this list can be captured?

Archer Tree
Pavise [No]
Caltrops [No]
Stake Stockade
Punji Stake
Broom Trap [Yes]
Spike Shooter
Gu Pot
Jincan Gu
Flare Shot

Sworman Tree
Jolly Roger [No]
Gae Bulg

Wizard Tree
Ice Wall
Frost Pillar
Fire Wall
Flame Ground
Fire Pillar
Magnetic Force
Frost Cloud
Dirty Pole
Corpse Tower
Pole of Agony

Cleric Tree
Heal [Yes]
Cure [Yes]
Safety Zone [Yes]
Deprotected Zone
Monstrance [Yes]
Exorcise (And Magnus Exorcismus)
Zalciai [Yes]
Zaibas [Yes]
Tet Mamak
Vakarine [No]
Zemyna [No]
Laima [No]
Owl [No]
World Tree [No]
Ausrine [No]
Counter Spell [No]
Chrotasmata (And Carnivory / Sterea Trofh)
Healing Factor
Ein Sof

There is too many ground spells. u_u’ Did someone already tested all? I played Thaumaturge a while but I haven’t used enough Reversi. Are the two skills can convert the same magic circle?

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Safety Zone too iirc.

Safety Zone

I have seen these … sadly i never had a rouge myself. But i did see people duel, so that rouge could get these skills.
Dunno if it is still the same.

And any tile spell, that can be used up by walking over should be steal able.

Reversi on the other hand… i dunno. It should work on groudn spells like flame ground and stuff too… might need a wiz player here.

Magic Circles should be doable by both.
Ground Magic… not sure.

All ground magic is a magic circle. All objects that are placed are traps.

Some few things can’t be, but I’m fairly certain it’s a bug ( caltrops used to be, and now isn’t, it may be fixed later ).

Most everything in that list can be. The few that can’t:

Jolly Roger
( Dievdirby statues )
Counter Spell
Golden Bell ( AoE from attribute )

Reversi affects all things that are considered magic circles ( but does not affect traps ).

So while chrotasmata ( and any affects applied to the grass ) can be reversi’d, broom trap, stake stockade, pavise, etc could not be reversi’d.


Once I had fun with a rogue and I tried to put down everything I could that I had…and he couldn’t capture my Zalciai… but we didn’t rly tried it again or something so…I wouldn’t take it for sure.

You can capture zalciai. Sometimes you have to wait a second before using capture, or the most recently cast spell won’t get taken. It also might have been above the capture limit ( too many things in one spot ).

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It’s good to know! (A rogue with zombies would be so cool !)
Reversi is more restrictive but can be reused and has a Cd lower than Capture.
It would be nice to add to the game system guide a table that lists the skills used with Capture, Detonate and Reversi ( Counter Spell too).