Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

never tried psych c3 and prob never will xD

am not convinced hehe

Not worth go C3 for pvp, imo

[Test control based on on non-arena pvp]

Magnetic Force - Good trap on low mobility target (as cataphract i rarely fell the effect). The trap last too short and deal one time damage. Does not interact with fireball and ice wall. You can use other mean to push fireball inside trap.

Gravity Pool - works like bigger sadhuā€™s possession but in pvp you are freely move around. stun lock pve
Raise - disable ability use but freely move in and out the circle. And there is a bug make you permanent fly until you exit map

how about maxed out magnetic field? Is it as good as those used by those pesky birds at 145 dun?

Hi there, for someone that wondering, do Rangerā€™s Steady aim effect Wugushi poison dot. the answer is NO.

Anyone got vid of necromancer in arena? this class seems very rare

If you want a good build.
Take anything but Psychokino. Unless they come through next week with more buffs.
Swap turned out to be a flop.
Teleport is a waste.
Psychic pressure is a melee flipping skill, highly interruptible.
Magnetic Force in my opinion still canā€™t glue this together.
Telekinesis leaves you massively vulnerable.
C3 is a mission to reach.
Itā€™s honestly still a weak class unfortunately and it wont make your build better.

Iā€™ve gone C3 Psychokino before in kCBT3. Even with the slight buff patch (cooldowns reduced on most skills, Gravity Pole dealing damage, etc.) in kToS, thereā€™s not much reason to go and take it.

Swap isnā€™t working in PvP atm. Itā€™s probably a temporary bug. Itā€™s pretty useful when it does work though, especially since you can swap multiple targets at once.

I disagree with that. Iā€™ve seen c3 kinoā€™s do great in PvP matches. Magnetic earth is actually really good now ( canā€™t be resisted ), and gravity pole is really useful.

Well, I know that kinos were always great in PvP. Canā€™t say the same for PvE though before the patch (at least not by itself)ā€¦do you know how they are in PvE these days?

They are bad in PvE.
You basically need a cleric with Safety Zone to support you confidently, fairly terrible with mobs in dungeons as far as consistent damage output.

I think pyrokinos are overlooked, as they do a ton of damage, but require the right setup. Itā€™s difficult to pull off because PP can be interrupted, and the fireballs get pushed away. But if you have a good peltasta in instances, you can just run things to a wall and have the PP+fireball next to a wall.

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Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
I usually encountered when I was doing dungeon. :frowning:

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Iā€™m also making a cryokino atm and heā€™s pretty fun in PvE. The shorter cooldown on PP is pretty strong. If you arenā€™t running wiz2/wiz3 you always have to watch out for interrupts on PP though.

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I seeā€¦I was a Pyrokino myself (Pyro 1/Psycho 3/Alch 1) before and was pretty disappointed when they made Fireball get pushed by PP. Ever since then, Iā€™ve opted to try out Pyro 2/Psycho 2 whenever the time comes (aka when I stop being lazy, lmao). I still donā€™t have much of a reason to go Pyro 1/Psycho 3 again before I get Alchemist.

Itā€™s too much positioning to try and bring out one classes strength, plus you only get a few of the hits, in whats likely to be the opposite direction, when if youā€™ve got a Peltasta grouping up, youā€™ll just Psychic Pressure them anyways given the Fire bolts themselves donā€™t do too much damage unless you get multiple to hit an enemy (kind of wonky).
PP + Fireball is really about getting more aoe, but then its so unwieldy with the fireballs moving its a bit of a headache to capitalize on.

A scout C2 would probably make life easier if they can redirect psychic pressure right to you.
You have to watch out for interrupts on PP even with Wiz C2 due to the knockbacks/flinches in the game that also interrupt through sure spell, which arenā€™t hard to get hit by given PP roots you.

Yeah you definitely want a higher lvl fireball, the damage is dependent on the fireballā€™s damage. Lvl 10/15 makes a huge difference.

I would love to see a trait on Swap that puts a status on mobs that makes them hit by your Psychic pressure even when further away. Psychic bond or w/e.

Hum. ā€œSniperā€. ā€œOne hitā€.

Thatā€™s all.

(Ps: A sniper who canā€™t one shot kill someting is not a sniper, but yeah, maybe, we can ā€œlaughā€ about this cd)

you did quote the ā€œRPGā€ part yet still manage to ignore it.