Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I think I remember but… I did like A LOT of dungeons (but 175 was just 3x5 times iirc) runs almost in a zombie-sleepy state XD I’m not sure if I’m correct in remembering the character or it’s just “I think his character was like this” ;-;

RABBIT so popular x)

I had a good day today :sunglasses:

EDIT: 1080p 60FPS ready :slightly_smiling:


^actually a great video for those who complain about Swordies sucking in PvP. Iron Hook looks pretty solid for pvp.

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I’ll need to watch to check if you recorded the round I played with you o:

EDIT: I’m not there ;-;

@terran228 Not really. I just talk a lot. IRL I don’t even talk a lot.

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It’s probably in my livestream one. I didn’t do so good in that one lol

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KKKKKKKKKKKK normally don’t worked dg, try infinity maybe you enter in one.

Didn’t understand. lol

@WatchGintama It happens xD I’ll search it later o/

The PvP looked abit one-sided when there was a team with a Priestc2/c3 against one without it, or was it just these fights that got me to think that?

It’s not necessary like this but having a healer helps A LOT but it is entirely possible to win in complex scenarios with a bit of luck. I won one match (me and a healer) vs 2 healers (2v2), it took a bit of time and I was lucky to not do anything wrong xD

So… im thinking about put one psychokino circle on my mage just to get more survivability and i have one doubt( calm down, it’s nothing about the build :grin: )

Does teleportation and swap work on the arena? i saw a few videos where they apparently use these skills but with the last patches i dont know if that changed.

PS: i know i should post on mages thread… but it’s about the last patchs and here is faster :innocent:

good question…

cant tell if they would be useful on arena other than exploits and trolling xD

tp and swap should work, I just wonder why you’d even consider tp, i bet you haven’t tried kino at all previously ryt?

request Decatose video or gif or webm.


Finally reached Cleric C2 so I could see the details on the new Safety Zone attribute.

The “trade-off” for having the attribute active is SP Cost +4. Was worried that it would be a CD increase, so this was a relief to find out.

Attribute does indeed have a max level of 20. Silver cost starts at 1670 and increases by 100 each time, ending at 3570 for max level. Learning time is a constant 1 minute at every level, interestingly.

This attribute is actually pretty insane considering it doubles the amount of hits for basically no penalty. Parties can probably stand inside it for the full duration now.

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yep, i didn’t. It’s that bad? teleportation, swap and telekinesis could save me a few times. At least i think it could

Teleport works. Swap does not work on players but works on other things.

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It’s crap of an escape mechanism coz it’s RNG, the only times that I used it was when I stupidly step on immobilizing traps, even then I wouldn’t be surprised to find myself just speeding my demise.

not exactly…

you can control teleport most of the time by moving in the direction you want to teleport to (worked for me with arrow keys)

it’s a great skill to skipping gaps or close edges… arena on the other hand… am not so sure if you can find a use with such lame teleport distance :expressionless:

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+1 for the orientation trick, perhaps I’d test that one out myself.

By any chance, have you gone c3 on your kino?