Tree of Savior Forum

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well that is true too…

on other edited notes:::

Do you even lift?_?

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Me too. It keeps crashing like hell…


Patch day, patch day, always excited on patch day


Well… I kinda agree but I guess it’ll need even more class balancing because of the classes that can remove enemy defense or use some elemental damage that ignores it. I guess to make it work it would need a lot of work on scaling of attack, defense, exp and so.

There’s a combo that you can instant-kill almost any enemy that have ~150k hp or less, even on lower levels. I’d just do this and farm Lv.200+ monsters to skip all content I could, lol.

@DrRM And about you video about the elevator. It’s somehow like that in dungeon240. If I use VPN there’s a higher chance of crashing during the dungeon (lol, tested this many times) and if I don’t I always take too long to move in the first “elevator” that some team wouldn’t wait unless I ask on party chat ;-;

@Raspy I guess that soloing a dungeon won’t worth it because you don’t get exp bonus. I’m too lazy right now to calculate if that +120% per monster is better than not sharing exp. But unless you have a perfect scenario I’d say it’s a big loss of time :x

@goldmnjp I’m not, because of too long maintenance time ;-;

When is it? Im excited too hahaha please do somethin about krivis’s zaibas!!!

Koreans are “nice players” look them playing dungeon Lv.240:

  • You’re stuck because of game glitch and can’t reach them.
  • You ask them like 10 times to wait and if someone can go back to help on the elevator timer.
  • They clear two rooms without you (and let monsters behind).
  • You finally catch up and everything is fine.
  • Dungeon cleared, monsters missing.
  • I sit and wait.
  • After they lost most of their exp book searching I say where the monsters were.
  • They get mad because they lost the same time as I did when they cleared two rooms :slight_smile:

How do they even expect people to be nice to them if they act like this. In dungeon Lv.217 there were people waiting for koreans but not waiting for foreigners for the same type of crash or death -.-

P.S.: By the way. Look, my client just crashed from nothing after boss died.

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Yesterday at the last boss of Siaulai lvl 100 quest, I missclicked and returned to checkpoint. Was impossible to back to Boss’ room because of obstacle. Usually, the party would mob the boss away and kill as fast as possible, but the wizard came,invites me for a duel, uses telekinesis on me and brings me on the right side of boss room.
Korea have 0,5% nice guys quota.


Oh. You can use any quest warp to “fly” a bit and jump over the obstacles. If you look at my SS I have always a return enabled just in case, lol. And yes, not everybody is like that but… T.T

Next week, the Kabbalist skill Reduce Level will get bugged and work on other players, and a Korean permanently de-levels Lunar to 50 while she’s afk.

Will our hero RQ? Will she go on a rampaging killing spree? Will her client ever stop randomly crashing? Found out next time, on the (mis)adventures of Rabbi.

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I’ll make sure to have a linker and make he use JP on everyone before :smiley:

So some Chronomancer skill is really work on boss? (Reincarnate)

Chronomancer pov


Yes. And if your team is lucky you can even ressurect two bosses (in the same time) instead of one, lol.

Great, ask some friend to test it out!

A friend already did it but I wasn’t lucky to be there when the boss got ressurrected two times :c

Just wondering

Chrono A > reincarnate bossA after killed it reincarnated boss appear then Chrono B > use reincarnate to this reincarnated boss.
Would it work? (I guess it would not work anyway).

I guess it could work but the chance is already so low :x I think there’s also an interval which it can’t be used on the same area just as Back Masking.

Did they change how it works? On icbt2 it used to apply debuff with x3-x4 shorter than skill lvl duration.

Not entirely sure I think it still the same with higher chance to success.
I got it work once on icbt2 -_- though it was a bugged back then.

First time I have seen Meltis in action.

Great combo with Kabbalist.

They made a change to Oracle Counter spell?


are they using meltis with revenge? cant watch the vid im at work lol.