Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

If you’re VIP (tokens), you can trade itens between character via lobby

I have no idea how exactly, i just read this some patch notes ago xD

Ohh right… they changed that.

Okay… then there is a risky way to do this.

Set up TRASH in market, prized 100k~1mio a piece.
Buy said trash with the char that made money.
Money is now at the other chars accoutn for ~10~30% cut off.

I transfered my money like that … but dunno if that is a good way for how market works now in ktos.

did the notes say if the lobby trade takes potential?

2 Questions.

1- Where is the entry of lvl 115 Dungeon ?

2- How can I transfer items to another character from the same account ?

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The patch didn’t mention anything about potential

People asked about it in the community, nobody answered and eventually people stopped asking ><

2 - It’s still not enabled and who knows when it’ll be. We just know that it’ll be soon.

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Well, another patch is near :d

Well, there’s nothing about it on the article mentioning the next patch. But I really want it too ;-;

A lot of dungeon reset and exp books in my other character and I don’t even know if we’ll be able to trade it ;-;

Do new patch come today? or tomorrow? :confused:

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My only wish is that they fix client crashes ;-; Or at least spawn you near the Dungeon NPC after you get crashed. ;-;

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Do you use any translation?

Some people related that some of the translation patches cause crashes

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I’d say to not blame hardware for programming issues :x Most of the people you ask would have the game closed from nothing at least one time in any dungeon.

I use translation, tried dungeon in KR, tried reinstalling, tried defraggmenting the entire disk, removed almost my entire friend list, removed all groups from it, tried to run in compatibility mode. Everything helps a bit and it crashes less times but still like today, 7 crashes in 5 dungeons again T.T

It is like this: You’re playing then client closes.
You use Retreat Shot and walk from one side to another while there are A LOT of effects on the screen, game hangs.
You are awakening an item, the alchemist’s client hangs.
You are hunting trees on 2nd demon prison with broom traps, crash with message.
You are logging in with your character and it might crash if it takes too long.

And the list continues T.T

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if only you could get an extra cool reward for kicking really strong enemies way above your level instead of been punish on top of getting your butt almost kick to dead D:


It’s not quiet the same but you can just go solo a DG.

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