Tree of Savior Forum

🚭 [Clarifications] Counter Spell(ToS) = Magnetic Earth/Land Protector(RO) 🚭

Sorta kinda does part of that?
Not as powerful but I guess it’s a close equivalent?
Considering how many AoE circles are status effects.

Nope, it only removes the ones already in-play

any videos




This didn’t show what happens to magic squares applied after the cast is done…it looks like the effect stays up for a while.

I wonder if further magic squares put up in the effect zone are cancelled as well.

No, they’re not cancelled, it only removes the ones already placed

Seems pointless for the effect to stay up on the field then like it does. Would be interested in a video showing what happens if you put a magic circle in the effect zone after the cast.

Didn’t you read in the video,it’s mention you can cast wtv you want right after the Counter-Spell been put down …he mentioned saferywall as in example.

Its mentioned.

It is not shown, and it would have been easy to show it.

or they could be still fixing it

having it on 30 sec long skill animation duration seems to be impractical if it just removes AoE and not prevent AoE.

This is what is defined as an eye soar if it serves no purpose after use…

looks like i’ll be making another suggestion thread of Counter Spell buff to prevent AoE on monday (in korea) thats seems to be the time when @STAFF_John seems to be working in the forums.

Is counter spell considered as a magic circle? I’d like to see Thaumaturge using Reversi on it. =))))


wow that was cool.

Remove aoe magics on-cast then act as safety zone for magic.

look like they finally turned CS into magic immune area

original post


I wonder if it still removes the spells when cast, or if it just blocks the dmg

Because it’s clearly not removing the spells used after counter spell

hmm interesting…what different this one with safetyzone?

Safety zone is all damage. Counter Spell is just magic damage.

Also Safety Zone has a hit limit, Counter Spell seems to just have a time limit.