Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

How do you use the TP Item that looks like a Golden Scroll (and what is it?), I got a few for free from random mails.
I clicked on 1 on it and a red message appears, then an option to do i dont know what. I think i wasted one there, dont know what to do.

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use or touch something you have no idea what it does, specially if that thing is ether rare or limited…


Kabbalist train choo choo beaches

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I see your point, but I’ll end up in the International Server anyway so all this is about testing things before that.

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You can use em in town to put stats on a Hat item.

Does anyone know how SPR affects status’s?

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I thought it was that, do u have to click on a hat to use it? Anyone knows the procedure? T_T

oh, i have to be in town?? ill try that

EDIT: It worked!! I got +24 fire property attack LOL being a pyro, lucky i guess. So it seems there are 3 bonuses. If I try another scroll it will give another bonus or rewrite previous one?

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right click on scroll… and choose the hat… (unequipped)

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You need to be in a city for it to work.

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Nice! I tried 3 of them, are they random or class orientated?

+24 fire attack on a bride coronet

+761 hp and +18 poison resist on a maple leaf

+25 mag amplification on cow ears


Hey guys i going to be Rune Caster but the problem is i dont know how to find the Thurisaz Rune that spawn random in Royal M. i have co-ordinates but i dont know how to use it on the map totally have no idea how to use it so plz help ty

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So i just came to a realization since we cant trade silver, why do crafting classes exist? We can make a bunch of money on them but we can never give it to another one of our characters?

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Some items and even then your giving up 2 potential out of the gate, nexon/IMC or whoever made this decision needs to get their head out of their ass.

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One way is …

1.get the ingredients
2.and the recipe.
3.Give it to your char.

And now that im bored because i still have pains from the sickness i catched…
I reallllyy … reaaaaaalllllllyyyy am hovering over the decision to get in ktos… even if i promsied myself not to.

I shouldn’t … i will spoil myself… quest wise…

Yea but this route you have to go get them don’t you as ingredients and recipes can only be traded once no? so once again this makes earning money on a craft pointless.