Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Undertale OST - megalovania


I’ve seen a lot on Snipe recently in-thread.

I wonder if this would “fix” it so both sides are happy?

Damage stays the same.
Skill requires LoS (obstacles such as arena’s wall break LoS and won’t allow casting through it)
Player must hold click for 1 second of channeling after selecting their target before the shot is fired and players that will be hit by the skill are given a warning/danger prompt like a red exclamation point (tbh I don’t know how it currently works but it looks like the player must simply click in the general area). Because the skill would require LoS it would be logical that “if you can see me then I can see you” and the player would be allowed a brief warning to use some form of defensive skill.

Would that make for a better skill overall? Still a high damage skill but with the added “high risk high reward” mindset. Player must be able to maintain LoS, take a breath and aim before pulling the trigger, and the other player has a chance to respond before dying.

I agree with this. But the problem with this is if you start implementing this, people would probably complain about other skills/attacks that go through walls like EB from Monks or ranged AAs from archers.

This I don’t agree with just because it would be impossible to hit anyone who constantly moves. Maybe change it to channel it before you shoot so you can still adjust your target just like other skills.

This, for me, doesn’t make sense considering snipers irl are supposed to be stealthy. That’s the greatest advantage a sniper can have. Positioning and stealth. Also what if the person has cloaking/burrow active?

I would rather implement the first idea, nerf the damage by a little and increase the CD by 10-ish seconds.

I would say a slow moving cursor would be enough of a nerf. It would provide enough counter play by allowing the target to “run away” from the cursor (that he can’t see) to avoid getting shot.

don’t tell me you haven’t sensed the sarcasm in it? :smiley: I’d stick with my magus no matter what :wink:

How much could this be worth, pls don’t make fun of me -_-

I got a Kepa Doll with 58 Crit Atk for ~110k but yours is a nice looking accessory and with an even higher value so you can increase the price like a lot (I’d say 300k or more but I wouldn’t buy it at this price atm tho).

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is it possible to sell 0 potential items now?

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i had to ask bcoz looking around the market i saw a muscharia with around 58 crit atk plus 20something SP regen and it sells for like 1.2M, and another red horn for like 1M something @@

Hmm. Which server? I’m on Vakarine and I got all my crit atk hats for 300k- (~500k total for ~150 crit atk) xD

Edit: @psyhocrack is right about 0 potential items xD You can’t even sell it ;-;

Yes vakarine too :smiley:

what :open_mouth: I didnt notice that -_-
thanks for pointing that out, I tend to be too fuzzy lately

Did you check those attributes on lower priced hats? There are some at lower price ranges unless everyone bought them xD I’m trying to get Phys Atk ones now to test which is better for my criticals x.x The hat already reduced my max crit a bit :c

i’ve only managed to check the first 30 pages though, not that it matters anymore *sigh… Hmm far as I know crit atk is pure damage, so i think bigger crit atk is always better (that is if you have the crit rate to support it tho)

Noticing sarcasm in text is kinD OF VERY ■■■■■■■ HARD, you gotta really push it for it to be noticeable.

You just got to imagine it’s his avatar saying everything in a flat voice with that same face.


I guess this is cool


This is FEATURE? Llol

I need this information for reasons.


I don’t know if that is good for anything because he “teleports” back at the end unfotunately…

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