Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Hi Guys can i ask something…Are there any improvements in the “Archer” tree/class ?:confused:

Oh boy, you are in for a wildwild ride when it comes to Archer’s improvements.
In short, very short, any problems you had with Archer aren’t a thing anymore and your build is probably twice if not thrice as strong as you expected it to be in ICBT2.


Sounds cool Thankyou man ! Gotta review my build again :grin:

Just don’t show it to a WizC3EleC3, they have begun to have a tendency of getting touchy feely on the matter of DPS. And they also have gotten buffs even on that matter, if slight ones.

actually, most of us are over it and have happily move with our own gungsta-keeteers *Pew Pew Pew :wink:

If you can’t beat them join them I guess, eh?
This is the part where I act all hipster about the fact that my Archer build already had Musketeer before the buffs and the only thing I’ve changed is the skill point distribution in the Wugushi poisons.

I still have my hope but if there are no significal change till ITOS release i’ll switch to linker-chrono to support my archer buddy. :yum:

Hope they have good ping to get the best out of it!
Personally when it comes to support Wizard builds I’m a fan of Cryomancer paired with Sorcerer, a bit iffy in solo play but has an amazing array of options for when playing in party.

you don’t need to worry, been wiz3 grant immunity to BS…

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where the good place leveling for lv 160-175?
cause Instance dg 160 bad exp…

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And why would holy DMG clerics have such a problem? :joy:

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Coursing doesn’t work with bosses, snatching works like a charm against flying boss (max snatching attribute) , pointing is a defensive skill when you’re not fighting a flying boss and idk about retrieve haven’t reach c2 yet

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I bet someone will do it. Somehow, lol.


how long is this event to get the physical items?

Snatching on fliers.
Pointing on non fliers (Defensive skill)…technically you can do Pointing on fliers too.
Rushdog on everything.
Coursing & Retrieve on non boss enemies (you’ll probably have a linker anyways).
Growling on a group of non boss enemies or to lazy shoot melee enemies.
Hounding & Praise to waste skill points :p.

[quote=“dandan, post:3959, topic:125464”]
Oh, what BGM is this, anyone know?