Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)


wish there was something more official or at least accurate :\

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I think in this thread itself… There are people that talk about it. Sounds like an over population of linkers and warriors. And not enough healers. You could also just ask the streamers on twitch that are doing high level content as well.

iToS probably wont have it as bad though because of the balance patches. Linker’s still amazing but other wizard classes got a lot of buffs. And archer’s are actually really good now. So our population are probably going to be different. And we got more classing coming to.

Now a game has fire, ice property damage absorption monster they should implement more on this.


I knew of fire but not ice :\

it sure make for a more strategic game…

expand it to all elements to make it more “fair”…

and no enemy with more than 1 or bosses… bosses should never have something like this D:

No pardoner c3? =/


Do the summon servant buff overwrite other buffs?

yes as long as I can tell…

nope, a few patches ago they’ve changed the buffs to be secondary

Weren’t Servant’s buffs moved to the Secondary buff bar a few patches ago?

Any news on [simony] or [spell shop]? Weren’t they up for a rework ([simony] was I think)?

my memory sucks so I might have forgotten that xD

Is it true that sadhu is really hard to control when we use oob?

But it is still party buffs, right?

Is there anyone here try Hunter yet? I saw a topic on reddit a few days ago , they discuss about Snatching, Coursing , Pointing and Retrieve are good skill for boss fight.

The point is, I tried it myself and found that none of said skill can effect boss, Not a single one but Rush dog.

Do I miss something? or they are trolling me? or all of them are idiots? which one is it?


Right now only 12 skill that can make a scroll with simony it’s keep lower I think.


it would have been more epic if the snow ball grew with her :yum:

That bug just keeps on giving on the sillyness.

It has to be said. It’s like the temple shooter was in her privates…

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slightly true bcoz of the mspd buff and that’s the challenge and which imo is actually healthy :slightly_smiling: and as always, there’s nothing really a good familiarization can’t handle…

it still is :slightly_smiling: