Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

ouuu :frowning:

where is my Sekki ToS… I hope it appears in your future :yum:


You can only cast a few skills while jumping, i remember monk being one of the classes that has a lot of them.

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I’d rather not, if they wanted to be accurate they would have less durability than Rapiers lel, and Rapiers’ durability in this game is super innacurate.
Japanese swords are ■■■■■■■ terrible and this is an information people should be more aware of.

high dmg low durability is ok by me…

as long as it match my character I cant care less if it break after 5 hits :expressionless:


They cut bad too tho, honestly that are super bad in general.
You can’t even stab properly with most of the things for ■■■■■ sake.

I don’t think this game give to crabs about accuracy

Yeah those are thing, but something I’ve noticed is that the model is not used in a single actually good weapon.

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I’d really love to see some Chinese Daos make their way into the game. They get so little representation in mainstream culture. They are fantastic.

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Yeah they are pretty good and rarely seen, I think the only time I’ve actually seen them is in Soul Calibur and Bushido Blade (Although it was called a Saber there lol).

In this mobile MMO a friend forced me to watch him play (Name isn’t coming to me atm) awhile back, they had cosmetic items to cover their weapons model, and he was using a Stop Sign instead of his Sword on his Tank character with a Wheel/Tire as his shield. Then he said he designed it completely and they put it in instantly, and I didn’t believe him until he brought out his laptop and showed me the model files for it and the e-mail. Apparently he did it for nothing in return but it getting put in the game and the cosmetic itself.

I wonder if we could do the same thing here; properly design cosmetic game models (for free, with a copy of the finished product of course) if we’re guaranteed it has a good chance of being put in the game. I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot in my free time, especially since I want a Baron Samedi costume…to replace… the male… skirt…

I believe that is what the Steam Workshop would be for.


As others have said, using skills while jumping is a matter of the skill in question, not all work. Archers for example can’t use any attacks while jumping, not even auto attacks. For other jobs it depends on the skill.

The only class where attacking while jumping makes sense I think would be wizard auto attacks, both because wizard play style involves kiting, but you can’t move during auto attacks (but you can start a jump and auto attack while moving in the air). Also, because wizard’s animation on auto attack is longer than the actual delay, jump + auto attack will actually let you attack faster. You can just move just a little after auto attacking too to cancel your animation, but that’s less fun.

With wizard at least, even if you’re in the air when you release a skill, you will stop your movement, so it’s mostly only really good for auto attacks.

I learned something today. Thanks.

Maple Story 2 has a similar feature, wither user generated content.

Would definitely be a plus for ToS, a way for players to have fun, and something devs can cash in on.

I’m in myst and i will agree when i heard about the guild war system being free for all pk that it was idiotic. my apologies they acted in such poor taste

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Yeah, only after u got arde dagger. Before that u barely do any dmg. I forgot + blessing,sacrement from pardoner shop. With int, cure and zaibas will has better dps.

Dont forget that even the pardoner shop gives 1 hour of blessing, blessing is limited to 180 hits. Seems not like a big deal, but with Sacrament it not going to last more than few minutes or even seconds lol

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is there a chart or something along those lines, that show the amount of people playing each class?_?

like R# of people are swordman
H# of people are wizard

etc etc etc…

I don’t know if you have seen this before but it might help?