Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

War… War never changes…

Usually, respawn points are safe zones, so this doesn’t happen

Wugushi is even more fun to play after that last patch. Yay!

By the way, I still have problem with [Wugong Gu].

Seriously IMC?

How in the world can I make poison from this skill to spread to another mob if the host of the poison is dead instantly when I shoot this skill to it…(out side of dungeon and no boss or tank around ,I mean)

It’s literally work like a second [Needle Blow] by now.

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Targets dying too fast to use Wugong Gu is truely first world problems. :slightly_smiling:
Monster HP ramps up fast though so eventually it becomes an incredibly strong skill.

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your problem is eliminated after level 230+

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Imagine if a Cleric wants to heal other party members but ended up hurting them, even killing them. It feels so good.

I’ve just made a guild on kToS, if anyone is looking to join an english speaking one. Add me in game: Toaster.


I want! which server u play? i play valkarine

Yeh we’re all on Vakarine

Lol My first PvP match is always bugged (cant see where everyone are exactly, they just shows in the base, but I know they are moving in the arena), so i always lose the first match because of that :frowning:

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I guess it will be fixed soon, because with VPN the latency seems almost gone, but the first match is still bugged.

Same here, I have to guess what’s going on and try to compensate xD

Someone already tried dispeller scroll in PvP? I could try it, but Im too ansious to wait to check this out.

I heard it doesn’t work and so does Pardoner scrolls.

I can’t actually play the game but it has been always like that? Jump and skill.

No, you dont need to jump to use skills, people jump because is cool LOL

I was thinking… are there ninja swords or similar kind of swords in ktos?_?

LOL ok I know that but I didnt know you could use skill jumping.

If you refer to a Kodachi and the like, no there’s none in ToS as far as I’m aware.

Inch Punch and Double Punch can be used jumping, so probably is a feature for some skills.