Tree of Savior Forum

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One interesting thing you can see is that at 0:30, he uses the rogue skill ‘Feint’, right before Barrage to hit multiple enemies at once. You can also see it in the following video too, the same thing of using Feint before Barrage. I’m not certain, but it looks like Feint may be dropping enemy aoe defense ratio?

are the enemies linked or is the aoe bigger than I thought :\

@fitzfeliz I guess to compensate for those that sucks at shooting :confused:

Barrage will hit every enemy in the AoE, it’s true AoE ( Notice it doesn’t have an AoE ratio ).

Edit: Oh. They are using feint to get the enemy to turn around, so that they get bonus sneak hit damage.

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Oh that’s what’s going on… neat.

Barrage do have AoE Attack Ratio, each of the five arrows shot out has its AoE Attack Ratio. If you use it in front of a huge crowd of monsters, you can only hit some of them. It is not a “true” aoe skill like Broom Trap and Throw Gu Pot, which can hit every single target inside the range.

Feint + Barrage is a skill combo/combination. You can get one additional attack of every hit, when you use Barrage to monsters inflicted with Feint.

You can see the effect in this clip.

It has nothing to do with Sneak Hit (I don’t even know Sneak Hit gives bonus damage to monsters that are turned around? ) You can probably get the hint that Barrage + Feint is a combo from the similarity of these two skills’ icons.

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I play Cleric c2 krivis c1 Diev C1
and AA is my best DPS

Seems like a bug, dunno why feint would give extra hits on barrage. That’s pretty random lol.

The reason barrage misses some enemies in an AoE is because it has dead zones, and isn’t a full cone AoE.

The reason barrage misses some enemies in an AoE is because it has dead zones, and isn’t a full cone AoE.

Did you check with oracle’s Forecast or just speculation?

Yes, it’s like 5 rectangles coming out of the archer. The reason barrage hits more times when the enemy is close is because those rectangles all stack.

OK. I seems to remember that 5 rec shapes too.

talking about stack, can you stack multiple ice walls on the same cell?_?

Old ice wall is push upward. Boss too get pushed upward.

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Can someone tell me the levels and locations of the World Bosses from Orsha side please

Can someone tell me where I can find Blue Elets? For get Blue Elet Mask for the 220 armor/pants recipe lol

OBS: I think is a very important information because the TOS database doesnt have it and is probably the armor/pants with the highest defense so far.

Don’t sure is this intended or not but it need some rework in it system. @STAFF_John

A waged war guild got random in to same party for doing mission they can attack each other.
It should not to be like this.

This one is pretty common in any PK game anyway.


Wow, if I understood second vid correctly, just wow. Time spent wisely.

It should be in Kaleimas Visiting Room, or the next map over (Storage). Forgive meh if those aren’t it, it’s been awhile.

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this is exactly why i hate non-arena pvp, not everyone joins a guild for war, or maybe they want to join eventually, but war prevents them from progressing.
i really hope that war needs consent from both sides, and that they add dedicated maps for guild wars.
or that each guild member can choose to turn PvP on/off, with like a 1 hour cooldown


take @MaxMisa’s advice, it was in all honesty just a jest for me… I apologize if i pulled ur strings quite hard…

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you do realize that most of us actually have kr nexon accounts in this thread…