Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Couldn’t agree more.

At least people should buy their own Nexon account and park your character in town and click Battle Arena to watch the match everyday, not from a random OP video from Youtube. And then asking to nerf this and that. :smiley:

You’ve been playing too much rag

Ghost armor doesnt have anything to do with holy property. Ghost reduces damage from all sources (pierce, hit, slash) beside magic (which increases magic damage received).

Also I cant believe something is complaining in the TOS forum, without playing the game at all
Normally I would say that people are overeacting about Musketeer, but just need a brain and few times in the current kTOS PvP to figure out that the damage for the class are too high compared to the others (never saw someone hitting so hard in PvP yet).

Found a Musketeer today, but he wasnt good like the one in the video (didnt saw he using Snipe or Headshot). I will keep playing PvP and see how it goes.

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Thanks for correcting me. :smiley:

No one will upload their bad experience in PvP to YouTube. OP stuff only. LOL

Where the video of a Sniper killing itself because of Revenged Seventhfold at.

Now if you pause (or watch in slow motion) at 0:06 and 0:34 you’ll see that he should have missed his both 1st and 2nd Snipe shots…

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We need to add more insult to injury adding some Physical Links in there, Revenged Seventhfold Lv5-6 should to the trick.

Yeah the problem is it have freaking large AoE radius / AoE attack ratio, see

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Does anyone have any idea about the reason why we cannot transfer silver to our alt (even though we can transfer items)? I mean, is there a downside of transferring silver around?

Also, is potential getting decreased while item is being moved to another char?

Thanks anyway :smile:

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Oh whoa…i feel very sorry for meteor/halagaz now…

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they will be tank races…

even enemies will be tanks xD :smile:

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Sorry but:
– Each floor must be completed within 4 minutes
It’ll be the same dps race again.

seriously arde dagger? u need lvl75 for that. u mean at krivis c3? i would say it only good for pure physical build (main str/dex).

if u want to be magic cleric, ur lvling skill only cure, heal and zaibas, not AA. hexing and effigy also if u choose bokor.

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I believe its because the monsters in the video are Linked.

You can more or less see how big the aoe is in that video, it’s really not a high precision skill, to the point it seems that without aoe defence reduction if you aim in a huge pack of mob you’re almost guaranteed to not hit what you’re aiming at despise the fancy visual effect. It seems to pretty much be a stronger no cast time, low cd meteor with poor aoe potential on it’s own.

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