Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

i need a help from a korea player is anbody here?

Im not a korean but i have been living in korea for 5 years and i know korean. Do you mind if i help you?

thank you but i need a korean who lives actually in korea

Dude you made me laugh soooooooooooooo hard…OMG YOUR THE REAL MVP!!!


Second option is matchmaking, and you get Bonus exp if you use that atm, just have your friend do it at the same time and maybe you will get the same group.

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Played a few matches of PvP and saw the enemy team almost all dead, then one or two guys was just back in the game again.
My doubt is Resurrection works in PvP, I didnt saw someone using it, so Im not sure if it was a bug in the count in the top of the screen or the skill.
If it works, Resurrection level 5 will be mandory for PvP lol

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I love dps and I love mages but this one’s sad :frowning: perhaps it’s high time to reconsider my preferences… **looks at archers

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Resurrection indeed works in pvp. Though, even at 2 seconds cast time (max level) it is difficult to res someone without getting interrupted or having the body get sniped right after coming back.

Although, I personally have run back a few matches with it by resurrecting my team as the last man standing, and once had a round time out because both teams had two Priests each and we kept resurrecting all of our teammates. Fun times.


soloing at 200+ does not recommend.

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pretty sure that wasn’t his point either…

Oh boy. 450+ must feel like boss fights everytime. NotLikeThis

I will if you’d calm your tits baby… :smiley:

A field with only bosses, It sounds very dangerous. ; _ ;

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wow there fitz… no need to get green ok :cop:

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man don’t let people on the internet get to you, why the salt just because people are expressing their opinions… geez


I used (twice) to do a rare trick on icbt2 where it let me use the P.P and move around (not like in the video), doing dmg to enemies but without the hand up…

But this is 10x funnier :3


Its a problem tbh with MMO design where Developers forget to put in ways of pushing niche situations to try and “distract” their players from focusing primarily on damage.

Obviously in a multiple class build-variety game you’re not going to have everything be balanced. Ideally you throw enough varied situations that the playerbase goes “ah fuk it” because their ideal isn’t valid for a significant amount of situations because of monkey wrenches you throw in.

TOS so far even excusing Pvp (cus Idgaf for it, unless it improves), chit in pve is kind of basic and differs little. Im surprised they don’t have a higher tier variation of Swashbuckling given how they wanted lower ranks to fade out of relevancy. We get a lot of different damage skills that replace or coincide with other damage skills, and utility skills don’t get the same treatment nearly as frequently. The game is very focused on player damage output, and that’s going to lead quite frankly to a high appreciation of damage.

That’s part of why some games try to enforce a trinity (to create at least 3 valuable structures), but you can do this in more then the traditional way.
ToS is either going to either have to homogenize a bit more of DPS output, or well give us those niche situations or it’s going to be the same arguments all the time.
“Urr why you care so much about damage” “Kill faster, is better”.

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I see Pardoner shop, sell buff level 16, how make it to level 16?

probably with a monster gem

get Circle 3 to max the skill level to 15 and use the corresponding gem to give that skills a +1

About Last Rite, I am not so sure whether it is an additional Holy damage to the Sacraments. I tried to kill Prison Fighter it was easy because it is the Devil/Dark but slightly low damage when I tried to kill a Plant type monster. I think Last Rite makes the damage 100% Holy Property Attack which is very good for PVP later if we go against Ghost Armor. :smiley:


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