Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Nope. I only said that I thought it will be better if it is changed. And yes, I have admitted that the opinion was personal since the very beginning. I never said that it was OP, I never said that it needed longer cooldown (it could have done, it could have not), I never said none. I just voiced out my opinion that, yeah, one shooting thing is a no deal in this genre.

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Welcome to the Nerfing Circle:
-X class is OP
-Nerf X
-We found Y class is OP
-Nerf Y
-Z class was weakā€¦ now is OP (just because X and Y were nerfed)
-nerf Z
-P class is OP nowā€¦
-Buff X


It does have overheat and is still one of the best matk per min spells in the game.

Iā€™m just happy archers are shining now and can give wizards a run for their money. Iā€™m a swordie.

1 like = 1 Sniped wizard <3



Iā€™d call that the balancing circle. Constant fix of the gameā€™s balance. Everytime something is changed in the game that affects a class/classes, the game should adapt, nerfing or buffing classes.


Crazy to see people defending Snipe.
Cā€™mon see the insane amount of damage the skill has at level 5.
Is like they did a class for be a big single target hitter in PvM, but forgot about PvP completely.
Obviously the class will get a nerf pretty soon.
The other rank 7 classes are fine so far I know, the damage is not that high like musketeer skills.

Obs: I had a archer in beta and i felt it needed to be buffed, so Im not arguing about any balance they did to the class at all.


If snipe has a 25 seconds cooldown, i think death sentence shouldnā€™t have 600 seconds cooldown :i

People you are arguing about snipe, but you forget about other musketeer skills.
And if some player(with A LOT OF CON if you wish so) survive snipe he would probably die from second rifle skill. Headshot also deal huge damage. Still no chance, right?


and itā€™s been nerfed to be a rank1 ailment now, even a dispeller could take care of it

Reading patch note from 10 days ago and found this.

ā€œWugong Gu Skill will be changed so that the poison-over-time damage is the same as the initial tick of other poison damage skills.ā€

Is there anyone have any idea what is this mean?

I quoted you and used to describe to whole topic. My words not yours.
Thereā€™s always something that someone doesnā€™t like and start to complain about, and that doesnt mean a broken system(and again, iā€™m talking about what happens here all the time and not about one thing you said.

The cooldown problem is my opinion.

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This is how the snipe are right nowā€¦


And Head Shot too:
Lv5 Head Shot: 300% + 3953 (20s cd)
Lv5 Snipe: 400% + 5997 (25s cd)
Its funny to see anyone defending these skillsā€¦riddiculous base dmg + multiplier, low cd, instant animation, unavoidable and stun to boost XD.

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Does this skill removes SZ,Subzero Shield,Mackangdal,Barrier,Beak Mask.Bloodletting?

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Or they can just reduce the damage scaling by a lot but the skills will deal tons of bonus damage against monsters. The cooldown can stay as they are now.


Wow. Well thats unfortunate. I think I might have to reconsider not going wiz c3 + elementalist c3 :sweat_smile:

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i have a question about the Dungeons.
for example the dungeon in the tenet garden lvl 50 is reccomended.
I have a party we are 2 people.
when i click on the dungeon there are to options
first --> enter
second --> i dont know but i leave my party and i see nerby party and nothing is doing.
what is the best methode to find people for the dungeon party?
i invite people which stay for the dungeon but nothing accept this and write i must use the auto function.
but i dont know what he means.

best regards

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