Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Look another “new player”.

we had the Frost Cloud nerf from the beginning. it is nothing new to iToS Wizards.

Wizard utility skills being scrollable is a major game changer. Especially seeing the example. This is probably the single most incredible change in my opinion for Wizard R8. Things like Joint Penalty and possibly even Pass scrolls will undoubtedly create a very specific endgame environment as far as what you must have.

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Skeleton archers for necro is cute and all, but won’t really mean much if they and the warriors still get instagibbed at bosses and earth tower. At that point, there isn’t any use for them besides normal grinding, and if you’re already rank C8, how much normal grinding do you still need and for what purpose?


Resume of all of this;


two or three for archers, clerics and swords…



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Just from 1 class R8 release you say that. Nice. It is like saying the whole pack of Skittles are mostly red becoz the first few that u pop are red.


if what I’m thinking is right then sage would be able to double elementalist’s frost cloud, hail and prominence right?

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Nope, they double ‘objects’, meaning things they can be hit (Fireballs, Warlock’s…soul/ghost/ball things, ice wall, etc)

Frost cloud would be considered deployed effect, which would get the larger size from the other skill, but not the doubling one.

is fire pillar treated the same as frost cloud? because on the second gif it’s clearly doubled… idk though

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oh you’re right thanks
I hope the effect applies on multiple skills like circling

it looks like it doubled.

if you would look closely, it looked like there were two different lines of damages. well if it was doubled it would look bigger. but really idk. :joy:

from what i 've read , that space skill also deal damage :slight_smile:

same damage with spell that you have casted? (in this case Fire Pillar). if its likely the case its gonna be op af. :joy:

cause I’m seeing two lines of 1396 damage. gosh we need more details. :laughing:

And no class reset as we hate class reset right? Right?


maybe it just coincidence that they have similar damage but who know :smirk: , let just wait until the class come out :smile:

yeah I know. suddenly interested in Sage with all those fancy hand movements. gonna make girls swoon :wink:

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