Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Anyone know wheres the 240 mission entrance is?
BTW how many of you that keep going to play on Ktos, esp vakarine?

They have patched the ‘currently’ popular swordsman bug with skyliner + rush / etc today. :o

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First two are the male and female Orsha Soldier costumes. (warrior)
The other two are the Jurus and Grita costumes. (wizard)

They can be purchased for silver and are only available for 7 days upon purchase. These are not in the TP Shop.


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There’s two new dyes, Blonde & Ruby Available in the TP Store.
They cost 49TP Ea.

It looks nice!



Yup, I edited my post to clarify this.

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Now i’m waiting on videos on the new Mass Heal / Multi shot costume effects

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Here’s the Archer C3 costume one:

kinda interesting XD


In-Game Models for the Rental Shop costumes. ( Courtesy of Inven )

Orsha Soldier (M)

Orsha Soldier (F)

Jurus Costume (M)

Grita Costume (F)

Ash Blonde Hair Dye

Ruby Hair Dye

New Visual Effects for Archer Circle 3 Costume
(Left is Current / Right is whilst wearing costume)

New Visual Effects for Priest Circle 3 Costume
(Left is Current / Right is whilst wearing costume)


I hope they release permanent TP versions of these. I despise the idea of rental costumes.


Well played IMC… putting the pieces to make my Kofuku character in the cash shop and forcing me to put money into the game…

clever :smirk:


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how many international people play on the ktos?
since the open beta on steam is the server empty.

Highlights of the upcoming patch this week:

  1. Notifications for sub-quests shown on mini map
  2. Goddess statue on unexplored area shown on mini map
  3. Two new hair dyes (ash grey & pastel green)
  4. Two new silver costumes for Archers and Clerics
  5. Skill balancing
  6. Various bugs fixed

Finally the dev team resume balancing skill after two months’ cease! I am really looking forward to it, and I hope there will be more adjusting than that on the patch for iToS last week.



Side-quests on mini-map? As in the starting NPCs? I thought it was fine as is, but on the other hand, people who wanna do them all, have a list of them open to check when they got them all anyway… so fine either way IMO.
What actually bothers me in regards to quests is that they’re simply like 20 times as rewarding as grinding… or rather, grinding isn’t a thing. Even for a person who’d want to stay on a map a bit longer to actually grind, they realize it’s not getting them anywhere. But what are the odds that will get seriously addressed anytime soon…

goddes statue locations are nice. We know what maps have them from the world map anyway, might as well point us their way when we get on a new map and look for them first thing.

Tbh some of the dyes are too saturated and look out of place lol.
I’d like at least the rest of the generic colours available via achievements tho D;

Skill balancing. Yussss, the most exciting part. What builds will get destroyed, what classes might rise from practical nonexistence? We shall see…
I kinda want them to overhaul Pardoner already, or whatever they were intending to do to it, since they said they didn’t like how it makes some classes main reason to party with obsolete, by replacing them with a scroll. I’d just prefer that happening sooner than later.
Other than that… others have made lists of what classes are currently the least purposeful, in other threads.

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About damn time.

/hype begins

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