Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You very evil my boy. :c

Not really, I mean just log out it takes 2 seconds.WTV you had to do to go afk it takes seconds to click log out.And for the gems part why not put in the storage and merge them.I laugh at people who tend to always hold their gems until they die and realize oh ■■■■ nooooooooooooo LMAO.

Thanks, will post a pastebin soon.


AL HAIL Gwenyth!!


All of gems and you are able to pick them if fast enough.

Quick translation of the upcoming update:

  1. Cross-server instanced dungeon/mission auto-matching system will be implemented.

  2. “Team/barrack level” will be added. (Your barrack levels up with your characters and companions, level cap being 50. You can get more EXP bonus as it levels up.)

  3. Rewards of monsters killing and 100% map exploring can be acquired all at once, if there are more than three rewards.

  4. Party members will share monster killing count. (Good news for support build players)


All really nice, the 2nd point was necessary. Hopefully the boost is significant enough since making multiple characters in this game is extremely useful. Also with the first point, it’ll probably be faster to get into dungeons with people of a similar level.

This means you can Q up with other ppl from different servers?

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omg yes!!

It feels so freakin great to see that kind of stuff, things myself and/or others have suggested before, here or there, to actually get implemented just like that. Like that last time, when the class-diversity bonuses and the much higher EXP per partymember in general were added (both things I’ve wanted to see back in RO for a decade and those suggestions never being registered…and then seeing that exact thing implemented in TOS in a random weekly patch, it’s an emotional experience ;O; lol ), or EXP-rewards for exploration itself among other grinding rewards etc.

I mean, I know it very likely wasn’t because of me suggesting any specific detail like these that caused them to implement it (since the stuff I’m talking about is stuff that either makes sense from a simple fairness standpoint or because it would be helpful and fitting etc. So of course korean feedback and/or the devs themselves probably come up with it before anyone even suggests it as well), but at this point it really does feel like suggestions are being heard and considered, no matter how indirectly (and it shows that the devs are actually thinking “inside the game” rather than simply bugfixing it)

So yay, full support players aren’t gimped when it gets to kill counts now :smiley:

Barrack-Level sounds interesting as well, can’t wait to hear the details.

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RIP, Tree of Savior. You can’t have a community with cross-server randoms you’ll never see again, you can’t use the random finder with a premade group, and the huge exp bonus makes the random finder the only efficient way to level. They’re repeating the same “log on, solo queue, mindlessly leech through a few instances, log off” format that’s been killing other MMORPG’s. Or rather, ORPG’s, since these systems aren’t massively multiplayer at all. The dungeons here are basic and simple grinds compared to the more elaborate outdoor maps, so the over-emphasis on the random finder is a waste of content, too.

At least they fixed the monster killing count problem, so we can have some fun going through the journal checklist.


Totally agree with this. Nowadays MMO look like fest of solo casuals.
Kids become so stupid, so they cant talk to each other, cant make some random group or even constant party for some longer time. They need just one button to press it mindlessly.


i hope they can implement the feature that allows you and one of your friends to queue together in the auto match. (similar to the League of Legend auto match)

the auto match bonus is so high that it’s preventing partying with friends now.


They need to just reduce the auto-match EXP Bonus to only give 100% extra with a 5-man party. The Bonus it has right now makes me want to tell friends “Sorry, my cousin dragged me into his dungeon party; I’m waiting for him to get online.” but then queue for auto-matching.

Was literally going to type this after I finished reading that post:

If anything, they should’ve made it so that we can make premades with people from other servers. Then there’s the probable issue of those cross-servers trading to each other inside dungeons, but I guess that wouldn’t be a huge problem with the current limits on trading.


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It is implemented because ToS playerbase declined in like 5 times since release and servers are empty.
So it’s either crossserver or no party at all on some servers.

I thought it was 400% extra with 4 unique individuals w/ pre-made, and 600% extra without 4 unique individuals w/ auto-match.

And most of the dungeons aren’t really difficult, so unless you lucked out and got bad match-ups or under-geared/under-playing members, the randoms wouldn’t be an issue.

Dw though, I’ll still party with you just so I can lure hordes of mobs into your direction and then Fade.

Supports Party Hard


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we all know who’s the best :3

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